Tangles during relaxer process....


Active Member
Does anyone experience tangles in their relaxed ends during the relaxer process? My ends tangle really bad even though I'm protecting it with lots of conditioner and oil to prevent overprocessing.

It's so frustrating!!!:nono:
do you find the tangles while relaxing or while washing it out in the shower? I dont mess with my ends at all while relaxing so i wouldnt know if it was tangling.
My hair is completely detangled when I relax, yet it always tangles during the rinse out process. When I used to go to the salon, the beautician would rough up my hair like I was the shampoo model in a Herbal Essences commercial. Needless to say, my wet hair would be full of mats afterwards.

I've been able to keep the tangles to a minimum by making sure to keep the cuticles flowing in one direction the entire time you are applying the neutralizing shampoo. My mother applies the shampoo to my hair and smoothes it over the strands rather than scrunching them or disturbing them in any way. The motion is almost like... taking both of your hands and smoothing the palms on either side of a piece of paper if that makes sense? Anyway, my hair comes out completely mat free now. There are a few tangles still, but nothing my Avocado condish can't knock out without a bunch of hair loss.

TLDR version: Keep the cuticles going in the same direction the entire time, let the shampoo sit, and rinse while also keeping hair smoothly flowing in one direction. :lol:
My hair use to tangle badly(Velcro like) during any process (relaxing, washing, styling, etc.) until I consulted with a beautician. She suggested I purchase ORS Hair Mayo and mix it with 1/4c of ACV. Well, this did the trick. Why? I believe my hair cuticles were raised and they needed to be closed.
Thanks ladies. I think my cuticles are raised as well after relaxing. I try not to manipulate my hair during the rinse out process (this is when it tangles...neutralizing) but maybe I am still manipulating somehow.

It just seems as though the after relaxer products are the culprit. After rinsing out the relaxer, I use Aphogee 3-Minute Reconstructor followed by Mizani's normalizing conditioner and normally Mizani's neutralizing shampoo (this time I used Elasta QP Soy OYL Neutralizing Shampoo) and then followed up with Mizani Moisturefuse.

Prior to the Moisturefuse my hair was a tangled mess (especially the ends). I assume my cuticles are raised from all this manipulation, so I'm going to have to find a way to prevent those tangles after rinsing out the relaxer.

Have to work on no manipulation and closing the cuticle.:yep: