tangles and knots


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any tips/advice for stopping/minimalising tangles after shampooing. See after every shampoo my hair gets severely tangled and its gotten worse the longer my hair gets. I thought that my hair would tangle less when I got it relaxed but it hasn't. I think my hair is very prone to tangling because from what I've read I think I'm a 4b (extreme with like over 95% shrinkage when natural) but my hair is really quite finely textured in that my individual hair strands are thin. So the theres a big difference between my natural hair and relaxed hair.

My theory is that because my hair strands are very fine they tangle easily. Plus I also thought that maybe it was the way I was washing it. But my hair gets just as tangled when I go to the hair salon when they wash it in the special basin as when I do it at home. This is one of the main reasons why I don't like getting my hair done at the salon. Because not only done the so called stylist brand my hair 'hard to comb' and 'tough' but they also procede to pull and yank the comb through my hair to get through the tangles (using a rattail comb I might add) but I just know that they are causing major breakage and I'm usually proved right when I see how much hair has come out.

So any helpful advice will be greatfully recieved.

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Do you use a moisturising shampoo?

Do you have your head hung over the sink/tub when you wash your hair causing it to tangle more? Or do you wash your hair in the shower with your head back?

Washing my hair in the shower has helped my tangle situation immensely! I'd also look for a conditioner with a good amount of "slip" Motions CPR is my fave conditioner and it always leaves my hair very easy to comb out. If this doesn't work I recommend buying a spray on detangler/leave-in conditoner. Also make sure to use a wide tooth comb to detangle and DON'T LET THOSE HAIRDRESSERS COMB YOUR HAIR WRONG!!!/images/graemlins/swearing.gif if you have to, bring your own detangling comb and tell them you'll do it yourself! /images/graemlins/whip.gif
You probaly know all this but:

1.Never pile all hair on top when washing
2.Comb hair _coated_ in (detangling)conditioner
3. Use wide tooth-wide spaced comb
4. always start at the bottom working the way up
5. Rinse with cold water adds in detangling
6. Products build up can cause tangling maybe try a clarifier or a vinegar rinse.
7. split and dry ends can cause tangling. A dusting or a trim can help.
8. Never rip through tangles and knots. Cut them off if they are unable to untangle.

You probably need a good detangling shampoo. Creme Of Nature shampoo is the best for detangling. And then you just need a good conditioner, while the conditioner is in your hair use a wide tooth comb and comb the conditioner though your hair, that should decrease the tangles.
My hair tangles very easily also. I have found that washing/rinsing in the shower with my head going back helps. Also, before I get out I put some type of conditioner - cholesterol or Aubrey's in and comb thru it while I'm in the shower, with my head going back. When I get out I don't have to detangle. <font color="pink"> </font>
Try an ACV rinse. One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 16 ounces of water. Pour rinse on your hair after the shampoo and before the conditioner. Or pour on hair before you rinse out your final conditioner. You'll notice the benefits after a few uses.

Firstly thanks for all the responses.

When I was my hair I try to keep my massaging directed to my scalp to minimalise tangling.

Yes I wash my hair hanging down because I don't have a shower and can't get one becuase of the way my bathroom built.

I've just started using the breakthru shampoo which was recommended on previous threads.

The suggestion of using a CLARIFYING shampoo is one I haven't tried so I will definitely try it.

Also I've never tried the apple cidar rinse so I will give that a go.

I've tried combing my hair when I put the conditioner on but it doesn't tend to work becuase by that time the hair is too tangled.

How are you finding the breathru shampoo.
When you comb out the tangles, you need to be patient and work the comb gently thru the hair, like it's fine silk girl /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Start very gently from the bottom with a wide tooth comb and comb the hair through until you get to the top. Spray it with water or something if it gets too tangled just to make the process a lil easier.

I use Kemi Oyl conditioning spray. I spray my whole head with this then begin to comb thru, it makes all the difference for me.

Good Luck /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Ruby!

I would suggest you use a good detangling shampoo then after that while the water is running through your hair use a wide toothed comb to gently detangle. The comb I use is W-I-D-E and this helps when i'm in the shower. With some conditioners I don't find that combing it through helps me either cause my hair tangles but I use the same rinsing technique as the shampoo....gently combing while simultaneously rinsing.
Hi Ruby,

I can tell you that the most important thing that helped me with tangles was a good commerical shampoos that are popular on this forum

Here are a few that you should try:

Cream of Nature
Beverly Johnson's Moisture Emphasis Shampoo ( I personally like it even though it's not an all natural product) It detangles great.
Elucence shampoo
African Formula Curl Maintenance Shampoo (an all natural product).

Detangling Products

Beverly Johnson Conditioning Detangling Spray
Giovanni Leave in Treatment
Infusium 23 Leave in Treatment
MY NEW FOUND PRODUCT: I really love using Back to Basics Smoothing Exilir...it detangles, defines my curls and keeps my shrinkage down.

A large seamless comb also helps.
If your hair really gets tangled, I would suggest combing your hair out BEFORE you wash it and sectionning it into four braids. Then wash the hair while it is braided. You will still be able to manipulate your scalp and work the shampoo down the length of your braid. I have tried this and it works, unless of course you are trying to rinse out a conditioner like Motions cpr, then I would unbraid the sections and rinse the hair thorougly by keeping it in a VERTICAL position. I have done this and it minizes the amount of stress I get with trying to comb out tangles. In addition, I have learnt never to try to comb out my hair with just water. I use Pantene's Detangling Spray and it works for me. Gives a nice slip and almost just allows the tanlges to slide out.

Hope this helps, pls. let us know how you make out.

Oh God! You poor thing. I can't even imagine what you go through...

Whenever I comb my hair wet, I use a wide-tooth bone comb. No snags and it glides easily through my hair.

I also use generic brand Paul Mitchell's Detangler. You can purchase it at Sally's. I mix the detangler with my conditioner and you can either rinse it all out without combing in the shower or comb it out in the shower with the water running over your hair...

I hope this helps...

BTW, most black stylists don't know the first thing about long hair... they don't even know how to comb it. One more thing, when combing your hair wet, start at the bottom and work your way up.
Haha! You pretty much told her what I just said. Wide-tooth comb and comb it yourself if you go to the shop. I never let my stylist comb my hair wet, because he doesn't know how to comb it and he uses cheap, hair snagging combs too! OUCH! Plastic/rubber combs with ridges that break the hair!

Try Selah's Tangle Buster Routine. It will really help with the knots and tangles. Here is the link:


Make sure you do a pre-condition first. My fav now is to mix cholestrol (LeKair), EV Olive Oil, and Suave Coconut Conditioner. I let it sit for at least a half hour usually. Then I run some water on it and detangle most of my hair. Then try step one of Selah's routine, and proceed with shampooing. HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hello Ruby,

In addition to what everyone has said I would recommend the following detangling conditioners that work very very well:

Aubrey Organics Island Cream Spice Rinse (this was recc'd to me as being really good and it is).

Elucence Moisture Balance Conditioner

L'oreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment

Revlon's Porosity Control

All of these detangle really well. Another tip is to after smoothing them through the hair (going in the same direction as the cuticle from top to ends), don't add heat to open up the hair cuticle, just put on a cap and leave the conditioner on.

After removing cap, detangle from ends upwards with the wide tooth comb everyone recc'd. If you want, wet the hair first a bit and then comb so the water is helping you with the detangling process. Always do the final rinse with water as cold as you can tolerate.

Squeeze the water out of the hair, don't use a towel which can rough up the cuticle strands.

Motions Nourish In is a pretty good detangling leave in. Its water based. Just spritzed it all over through to the ends and use the wide tooth comb once more.