Taming New Growth

I'm four weeks post relaxer and I've been doing my own hair for three weeks (thanks to LHCF). Well, it seems as if my hair is already starting to get....nappy :perplexed. Especially in the back area and crown, one of my co-workers told me certain products you use on the hair can cause your hair to "revert" (I never heard of this before). Does anyone else have this problem? I'm kind of nervous about using a stronger perm. At what point do you all start to notice newgrowth, any suggestions? :)
Well, I'm kind of new to the game, but I'll tell you some things I've tried that have helped me out.
One thing is after my hair is washed and moisturized and everything, I put it in a ponytail and wrap it with a scarf. I take the scarf off when I get ready to go out and my newgrowth is in check.
Next thing isn't really good for my hair, but I blow dry it straight or flat iron it.
I try to do the scarf thing more though!