Taming my edges...


New Member
I am currently wearing a sew-in and have been for the past month. My problem is that after a while I can't control my edges. They continusly frizz up and gel can't tame them. Does anyone know what I can use to slick my edges down and keep them down?
The below is copied from a thread I had started... It may help. I tried to include a link to the Rsession tools site which has a similiar product for much more, but they have a video of someone using it. It might help. I am going to test mine out tonight hopefully. What do you think?

Has anyone purchased this item or know anyone who has?


It looks interesting. I am always trying to find things to get my roots straight in between relaxers, especially in the middle of my head where the Poltergeist lives. Haha... I can't find any reviews anywhere. Is it new? I am thinking of using Christmas money for it.


Attached Thumbnails


Castor Oil, an old toothbrush and a scarf :grin:

(gel seems to almost "re-wet" my hair - which means it just curls up MORE)
Hmm I wonder if that tool was featured on the Tyra show. If it is, it worked really well. It looks similar to what a hair stylist used on someone's hair.
Yesss....tie them badboy's down. It always works for me. My edges can get pretty rough after 8 weeks post. Tie them down!!!! that'll help :) Tie them down tight.


seriously, tying them down, and some kind of product with weight, i.e, gel, a light gel, I use the silk elements gel in the red bottle, will help!