Talk me out of cutting my hair to shoulder length. Please.


Well-Known Member
I keep getting urges to cut my hair to shoulder length. I recently had a chunk of my hair fall out. Also I had burned a chunk of hair out a few years ago and that hair is just now to shoulder length. So I have a few lengths of hair on my head. Almost brastrap, shoulder length, and bald as all get out!!!!! (Okay, okay, it's not that bad, but it is only about 3 inches long in that area)

I don't think I want to cut my hair but I keep having these urges. And my urges have gotten the best of me quite a few times, lol! So what is the best way to not go crazy with my three lengths hair?

How does a roller set look on your hair? Perhaps all of the volume will disguishe the shorter area. And, you could always weave a tiny track in that area. Either your hair hair color, or something fun and slight different color (dark red, brown blonde)
Don't cut unless you are really sure this is what you want to do. Think about it a little longer if you feel the same way in a week or so then cut a little, tiny bit and see if that cures the urge.
don't cut it. that section will eventually catch up with the rest. that happened to me before a stylist burnt out a big chunk of hair leaving it only about an inch long. it caught up with the rest of my hair in no time.
I will /images/graemlins/spank.gif if you cut your hair. You say you usually wear weaves and wigs right, so just nurture your hair and let it grow. Where is the 3" section?
I'm starting to get a wee bit frustrated. Especially since it took so long for that other chunk I burnt out to get anywhere near the rest of my hair. The current short spot is right at the top of my head at the crown. I do usually wear weaves and wigs (mainly wigs) but it will take like three years for that hair to catch up!!!!! Maybe longer unless I do big trims every few months!!!! I will try to leav my scissors alone. Maybe I will trim and see if that makes me feel any better.