Taliah Waajid Products


Well-Known Member
Does anybody have any reviews? Or can anyone share their experiences with the products. Which are your favorites?

I tried doing search. Sometimes I just can't stand it. No matter what I type in, I seem to get 32 pages and the first 10 pages never seem to have what I need.
I've not seen a lot of reviews of this product on the board either. But I have had positive results with many of the products.

Many like the Mist Bodifier. It was ok for me. I may try it again now that my hair is longer. My hair tends to be bushy so leave-ins can be complicated :lol:

I love, love, love the herbal conditioner. It is the only conditioner I have used where I can feel the results in 20 minutes with no heat. I keep trying others but I keep going back to it.

I like the products for twist because it gives it a nice hold and shine but it doesn't make the hair crunchy.

I have tried the oil but for my hair its too heavy. So I use it on my body. It smells wonderful.

So overall I would say I like her products. They work well in my hair. I have fine, medium density, 4b, SL hair if that helps.
I love the mist bodifer. It's actually one of my staple products. I tend to be very heavy handed and sometimes I get that greasy feeling when I apply most moisturizers (qhemet burdock root for example) but this products allows me to spray a decent amount without my hair feeling greasy but moisturizes my hair so well!

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Thank you, both. It's good to know that there is no greasy feeling. I tend to be very heavy handed too.

it really is funny that there is nothing much about her on this board as I think the products have been around for about 15 years, but I could be wrong.
Thank you, both. It's good to know that there is no greasy feeling. I tend to be very heavy handed too.

it really is funny that there is nothing much about her on this board as I think the products have been around for about 15 years, but I could be wrong.

When I joined a year ago, you would hear a few comments about the Mist Bodifier and thats about it.

It is a pretty good product especially since you can get it locally but not sure why it isn't more popular. I love her conditioner but I don't think I've ever heard anyone else say they have even tried it :ohwell:
I like the spray Bodifier ,it smells like coconuts and leaves my hair soft and moisturized ..there are a couple chemicals in it i m not too happy about though.
I use the bodifer mist and it definitely keeps my hair feeling moisturised especially if i seal after using it with oil or shea butter.
I always wondered why there weren't more reviews of the products here.

The Black Earth conditioner is excellent! It has been in my rotation of conditioners. I have used the Black Earth Shampoo with very good results as well. A friend recommended the shampoo to me because she said that after she used it, she noticed lots of hair growth.

When I finally got around to buying BE shampoo, I loved it. I can't say that it made my hair grow, but it didn't dry my hair out like other shampoos had, which led to better retention due to less detangling and rough wet handling of my hair.

TW was the first product line I found in the BSS that didn't have SLS or parabens in the product. I think that's changed now, and there is SLS in the shampoo and preservatives too - which I can mildly appreciate. I had to toss two bottles of BE shampoo and conditioner because mold began to grow inside the product.

I found that her African Healing Oil was a bit too greasy for my hair. It could be that I used too much, but the smell was nice - it does get a little cloying though.

I used the Herbal Strengthener, but didn't like it so much. I think it had herbs in it, if I remember right, and I don't like herbs in my hair.

And of course, the Bodifier was awesome! I haven't used it in a while but it always made my hair very soft. The only thing about the Bodifier, is that I could only use it once and then I'd have to rinse to reapply. Again, I could have been adding too much, but my day two hair was sometimes a little gummy.
I use the Kinky, Wavy, Natural Herbal Style and Shine on my little one's hair and I love it - it keeps moisturized without drying out her hair....I will just re-wet her hair with water in morning - put in ponytails - it is not greasy nor does it weigh her hair down - love this stuff!!