Taking the plunge....


New Member
Well after seven years of being natural (the last two actively growing out my hair) I've decided to take the plunge and get a relaxer this Saturday. I'm going to ask that it be texturized, not completely straightened, so that I can wear a wash-n-wear look; but even if it ends up a little straighter that's okay because I'm ready for a change! I like my natural texture but it's optimal length (for me) is 3 inches completely natural. After that it takes too much fussing and as a busy mom of two kids I don't want to spend hours twisting - and I'm sooooo sick of wearing the puff. (No offense to the naturals out there - I love the puff but that's all I've been wearing for about a year).

I think this time around with a relaxer it will be very different as I have info from this board, I plan to use heat very very infrequently, and I'll be trying out protective styles.

Wish me luck!!!

Edited to add: if the relaxer doesn't agree with me, I think I'll transition again and chop down to 2 inches.
Re: Taking the plunge on Saturday

Which relaxer will you be using? Good Luck!
Good luck!
I was kinda in the same boat as you and I am so glad I found this forum. The advice I have found here has been invaluable. I feel like I'm equipped (sp) with so much knowledge now and that I will do 100% better by my hair.
Congrats on your decision. I could totally relate with your situation. It seemed like when I was transitioning that I spent so much more time on my hair and I don't have that kind of time.

Just in case you are interested, here is a link on the wash-n-wear relaxers (texturizers):


I can see what you might mean with wearing a puff all the time. I am hoping when I am completely natural that I will be able to have a hairstyle and not just have to wear a poofy/curly ponytail everyday. I've done this for my transition - I'd like to eventually get away from it!

Anyways, good luck with your relaxer!