taking pics of your hair for the board


New Member
When you all take the pictures of your hair normally in the bathroom do you face the mirror how do you position your camera i cant figure it out when i take it the flash always is all in the picture how do you do it?
I usually have the camera facing the mirror (as you can see in my pic) and estimate that I am in the center of the photo, sometimes it trial and error. Oh and turn the flash off, that what I have to do with my camera.
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I couldn't figure that out for the longest either...until I turned off the flash on the camera :look:

I always have my back to the mirror in the bathroom and hold a hand held mirror in front of me so I can see what's going on, and the camera pointed towards the big mirror behind me...always takes a few tries.

It would be sooo much easier if I had someone here to take pics for me :(
turn flash off. put your back toward the mirror. position camera on top of your head or over your shoulder and snap. use a mirror in the opposite hand (held behind the camera) to help you focus. hth.