Taking Down Cornrows To Wear Hair Crinkly...


Well-Known Member
Hey, everyone. I have decided to take my cornrows out tonight and wear my hair crinkly for a few days. Is there anything special I should do to my hair while wearing it this way? I was planning on moisturizing each braid section as I take it down. Also, after I wear it crinkly, for the next wash cycle I plan on using some type of protein treatment, like nexxus keraphix or aphogee or something like that. Do you use those treatments before washing your hair? Please let me know what you guys think. THANKS!
I just did this last nite...I washed and let my hair dry about 75% and then put in big fat braids (about 8) then this morning I took it out. I wasn't so happy with the way it turned out. :nono: I ended up putting it into a loose bun. I think its healthy to do tho as long as you oil it. I justed my WTG oil and isoplus oil sheen spray. If I had to do it again I would braid it all back then take it out and wear it out with a silk scarf folded like a head band.
IMO you should probably leave the protein for the next wash cycle--if you do protein now, I think your hair will be hard to detangle, especially after your cornrows/braidout style. You wouldnt want to shed. Anyone else?
So do you think I should stick with my regular prepoo method and then do the hard core protein on the next wash?
I just did this last nite...I washed and let my hair dry about 75% and then put in big fat braids (about 8) then this morning I took it out. I wasn't so happy with the way it turned out. :nono: I ended up putting it into a loose bun. I think its healthy to do tho as long as you oil it. I justed my WTG oil and isoplus oil sheen spray. If I had to do it again I would braid it all back then take it out and wear it out with a silk scarf folded like a head band.

What didn't you like about it?

I noticed that when I do a braid out that I like the results MUCH better if I only let the braids dry to 90% and then take them down and fluff the hair and let it dry the remaining time unbraided.

When I let it completely dry it's kind of sticking out all over the place and looks dry, but when I do it the way explained above it's soft and fluffy and looks more like my hair could be that texture naturally.
What didn't you like about it?

I noticed that when I do a braid out that I like the results MUCH better if I only let the braids dry to 90% and then take them down and fluff the hair and let it dry the remaining time unbraided.

When I let it completely dry it's kind of sticking out all over the place and looks dry, but when I do it the way explained above it's soft and fluffy and looks more like my hair could be that texture naturally.

i couldn't get the very ends of the braids to stay braided so the were just sticking out looking crazy