Taking Down Braids --- Regimen Help Needed...


New Member
I would like to take down my braids tomorrow. I have had them for three weeks and I had them done with synthetic extensions.

What is your regimen on the day that you take down your braids? Can I wash/condition/ACV rinse as I would normally do, or do I have to do something special like use a protein treatment? (I have been using SURGE for the past four days.) DO I have to wait three days before washing my hair (this is what I have heard...)?

my friend who wears them said that you are not suppose to wash your hair the day you take out your braids( it's something with the scalp). i don't remeber how many days she said she waits to wash.
Even though I wear braids, I don't think I have a specific "after braids" regimen.
I didn't even know you weren't supposed to wash your hair the same day you undo them. I only don't do it coz by the time I'm done taking them out, I'm too pooped to be bothered to wash.

I was gonna suggest you go to www.growafrohairlong.com and read up Robin's regimen since it's tried and true; or Den1's regimen since she's a great model for that site. The only other thing that comes to mind is, someone posted about finding it easy to undo braids after applying an oil. Supergirl also had great success in undoing a tangle by applying a conditioner (I think that's what she used) on the knot then using her fingers. I also suggest you undo braids with fingers instead of a comb coz you're more likely to be gentle this way and to prevent breakage.
What I usually do is give myself an preshampoo hot oil treatment and a deep protein conditioning treatment. So far not much breakage.
Thanks ladies... How about a conditioner wash? I took down my braids and did a conditioner wash/ACV rinse and I am not sure if the hair that I lost is because of this wash or if it is the normal amount of shedding
. I lost maybe 100 strands (? not sure).

I always wash my hair after braids immediately after taking them down and have never had any problems. Though I wouldn't recommend this for everyone, I have even applied chemicals to my head after taking down braids; thank God I have never had any damage from this.

If I'm not applying a relaxer, I wash with a softening conditioning shampoo, slap in a strong protein conditioner like Aubreys GPB, and apply a moisturizing conditioner. A protein conditioner is a good idea to help strengthen hair that might have been weakened.

I never heard about problems from washing hair right after braids - what are the benefits of waiting?