Taking Biotin and not enough water


New Member
For those that take biotin and dont really like water, how or what did you do to make yourself drink more water since you were taking the biotin. I am taking some now thats in the ultra nourishair from GNC and it has 1200mcg and I want to buy some that will be at least 5000mcg.

I really want to take biotin, but my problem is not drinking enough water because I really just hate it and thats bad to say. I am also scared that my face will break out if I dont drink enough water. I have oily and sensitive skin.

For those that have taken it and face have broken out, was it a very high dose that you were taking and were you drinking enough water. Which I know everyone body is different, but the #1 thing I have heard about biotin is face breaking out.
When I initially began taking biotin I started off with 5mg. I was drinking about 24 oz of water a day. I did break out around the chin area, but it didn't last long. I'm now taking 10mg a day with no problems. I've always had skin problems, but that's ceased. I also take Msm so that may have something to do with no break outs.

Those lil flavored water packs helped me out alot....ya know give the water some flavor.
Dont feel too bad because im horrible at drinking water too, I even go a day or 2 without having any water at all:perplexed . I started off with 2,000 mcgs of Biotin and I didnt experience breakouts. I now take 5,000 mcgs of biotin and i did experience small breakouts around my chin and forehead but they cleared up within a week or 2.

P.s. My skin is a little oily at times and its sensitive to most products.
1. I started out on smaller doses and didnt have any problems even though my water intake was terrible. I still saw great results.

2. When I wanted to increase my intake a lot I started drinking 2 liters a day. I would make myself drink one in the morning and one at night. Carrying a water bottle helped me because I knew I only had to finish a certain amount a day. HTH.
I've been taking a little more than 3mg daily and I consume on average about 60 to 68 ounces of water per day. But I STILL broke out, especially on my chin.:nono: The breakouts aren't as bad now, it's been about a month and a half. I've also recently began taking b-complex...so that could be helping too. But I said all that to say that, it's important to drink lots of water, but your body is probablygoing to do what's it's going to do anyway. I think once your body adjusts to the biotin, the breakouts will gradually go away.
I started on daily doses 5mg of Biotin back in late November on the advice of my dermy because of skin problems. I have since increased my dosage to between 8 and 10mg daily. I will either have two 5mg doses, or 1 5mg dose and get the other 3mg from my hair vits.

My water intake is +/- 1 gallon daily. I started off making myself drink it by filling my jug up every morning and lugging it around the house everywhere I go to keep it handy. I added a filter to my faucet to get it as pure tasting as possible. After a while I wasn't forcing myself to drink it. My body got used to the water and started craving it I guess is the best way to put it. I started getting really thirsty and now it's no problem to finish the water before the end of the day. Hence the + . The - is if I'm being really lazy and spend my days off sleeping the day away.
meaganita said:
I've been taking a little more than 3mg daily and I consume on average about 60 to 68 ounces of water per day. But I STILL broke out, especially on my chin.:nono: The breakouts aren't as bad now, it's been about a month and a half. I've also recently began taking b-complex...so that could be helping too. But I said all that to say that, it's important to drink lots of water, but your body is probablygoing to do what's it's going to do anyway. I think once your body adjusts to the biotin, the breakouts will gradually go away.

i know i've posted on this subject 50-11 times, but here's 50-12 (:D)....i only take 2mg of biotin and drink 3-4 liters of water every day w/o fail, and still broke out when i upped it to 3mg for a short period of time...i honestly don't think i can drink any more water for the time being, so i ordered a b-complex w/vit c from puritan's pride last night...i've read before on here that sometimes breakouts happen because you're not getting enough of the other b-vitamins in your system to balance out the biotin. so in addition to drinking more water, i'd pick up a b-complex vitamin as well...HTH
Thanks everyone for the replies. I am going to try out the biotin 5000mg and I am already taking b-complex so thats a good thing. I do drink flavored water, so I guess I will drink more if I notice I am breaking out.