Taking B5 = Headaches?


New Member
Hello ladies,

I know a lot of you take Vitamin B5. Has anyone ever had serious headaches from taking it? Last week, I started a new vitamin regimen (Prenatal, Vit. E, B Complex, Pantothenic Acid) and had two migraine attacks. (I've suffered from migraine attacks since I was twelve, and have no known triggers)

Just wondering about this - I spent so much on the vitamins and was hoping to use them to improve the health of my hair.

I haven't had a side affect from b5 but do know that if I take any vitamins on an empty stomach that I feel ill. I get a stomach ache, feel dizzy etc.

I HAVE to have mine with meals. I don't know if this helps at all....
I've been taking B5 since the end of December for my oily/shiny face. I take two 500 mg tablets in the morning, and I take two 500 mg tablets in the evening. I have not had any problems with headaches. I remember someone else posting about this recently. I'll try and find the post and bump it up for you.
One day I took 1,000 mg of B5 and had a roaring headache. After that I just stayed with the b-complex...
I've heard of this problem with the B5 headaches.

500mg in the morning after food and the last 500mg in the evening after food. I think it all makes the difference in the amount you take in one go and also the fact it needs to be absorbed on a full stomach.

If that doesn't work for you then it's best not to carry on taking it.