Nice & Wavy

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Stand Up for What You Believe In

January 19, 2010 by Zack Lee
Filed under Speaker

One way to become unpopular with many people today is to stand up for an absolute standard of right and wrong. It is just not the “thing” to do these days. When you stand up for what is right and wrong with any amount of conviction you may be ridiculed, laughed at, and even flat out rejected. It even gets worse when you take a stand in the name of Jesus. People will call you names. You may even be called a religious fanatic or even a bigot. Yet some people are still able to stand up for what they believe in.

How do people do that today? How is it that some people have the courage and conviction to stand up for what is right?

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:10-12).

There are at least four things in this passage that suggest to us how we can stand up for what we believe in.

  • Know what is right. It does us no good if we stand up for something that is false. We are blessed when we stand up for righteousness. God’s word is our standard and we can know what is right by studying and allowing His word to guide our lives.
  • Condition yourself to opposition. Notice the opposition that Jesus says we will face if we are going to stand up: insults, persecutions, and all kinds of evil said about us. Those are difficult things for us to accept. However, if we are going to make a stand we will have to condition ourselves for ridicule.
  • Anticipate your reward. It is hard for us to understand how we can rejoice and be glad while we are being insulted and ridiculed for standing up for what is right. However, when we are facing opposition our thoughts can focus on the reward that we have waiting for us if we take a stand.
  • Keep company with God’s greats. “For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” The ill treatment and ridicule for standing up for what you believe in is nothing new. Parents often worry about who their children are keeping company with. It should not be different for adults. The people we keep company with can greatly influence us. Why not keep company with great Bible characters? These examples can encourage and strengthen us to know that we are not the first to go through persecutions for righteousness.

Take a stand for the TRUTH today!
Stand Up for What You Believe In

January 19, 2010 by Zack Lee
Filed under Speaker

One way to become unpopular with many people today is to stand up for an absolute standard of right and wrong. It is just not the “thing” to do these days. When you stand up for what is right and wrong with any amount of conviction you may be ridiculed, laughed at, and even flat out rejected. It even gets worse when you take a stand in the name of Jesus. People will call you names. You may even be called a religious fanatic or even a bigot. Yet some people are still able to stand up for what they believe in.

How do people do that today? How is it that some people have the courage and conviction to stand up for what is right?

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:10-12).

There are at least four things in this passage that suggest to us how we can stand up for what we believe in.

  • Know what is right. It does us no good if we stand up for something that is false. We are blessed when we stand up for righteousness. God’s word is our standard and we can know what is right by studying and allowing His word to guide our lives.
  • Condition yourself to opposition. Notice the opposition that Jesus says we will face if we are going to stand up: insults, persecutions, and all kinds of evil said about us. Those are difficult things for us to accept. However, if we are going to make a stand we will have to condition ourselves for ridicule.
  • Anticipate your reward. It is hard for us to understand how we can rejoice and be glad while we are being insulted and ridiculed for standing up for what is right. However, when we are facing opposition our thoughts can focus on the reward that we have waiting for us if we take a stand.
  • Keep company with God’s greats. “For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” The ill treatment and ridicule for standing up for what you believe in is nothing new. Parents often worry about who their children are keeping company with.

    It should not be different for adults. The people we keep company with can greatly influence us. Why not keep company with great Bible characters? These examples can encourage and strengthen us to know that we are not the first to go through persecutions for righteousness.

Take a stand for the TRUTH today!

Good Word... :yep: Thank you for sharing this. It's even more important for the Church to get this than ever before. The world is out to weaken the Church's stand. One by one, I see so many caving in under pressure.

I was watching Pastor Charles Stanley the other day and he spoke on this as well. We have to take a stand for righeousness. He spoke about praying out the wrong doers in our country's legislation and praying in those who will take a stand for righteousness.
Good Word... :yep: Thank you for sharing this. It's even more important for the Church to get this than ever before. The world is out to weaken the Church's stand. One by one, I see so many caving in under pressure.

I was watching Pastor Charles Stanley the other day and he spoke on this as well. We have to take a stand for righeousness. He spoke about praying out the wrong doers in our country's legislation and praying in those who will take a stand for righteousness.
This is something that has been on my heart that I've been speaking about lately as well...we MUST stand for righeousness...if we don't, who will?

God uses people...His children are His hands, feet and mouthpiece on the earth...His children who won't back down cause someone says they should..but, take a stand. He didn't give us armour for nothing (Ephe. 6:10)

The government won't be right until its upon Jesus' shoulders. I'm at the point I don't believe what any of them have to say. You are right...2012 will set the stage for evil in this land like we have never seen or known before. :nono:
This is something that has been on my heart that I've been speaking about lately as well...we MUST stand for righeousness...if we don't, who will?

God uses people...His children are His hands, feet and mouthpiece on the earth...His children who won't back down cause someone says they should..but, take a stand. He didn't give us armour for nothing (Ephe. 6:10)

The government won't be right until its upon Jesus' shoulders. I'm at the point I don't believe what any of them have to say. You are right...2012 will set the stage for evil in this land like we have never seen or known before. :nono:

Those in office are scared.... completely scared and it unreal how they are falling to the pressures like flies off a wall.

I'm just not afraid to speak up; perhaps a few years ago but.... Nawwww :nono: I've always been 'vocal'. :lol: Let God use me and my vocals for His glory.
Those in office are scared.... completely scared and it unreal how they are falling to the pressures like flies off a wall.

I'm just not afraid to speak up; perhaps a few years ago but.... Nawwww :nono: I've always been 'vocal'. :lol: Let God use me and my vocals for His glory.
They are and I'm not surprised...just not surprised at all.

:lol:...girl, there will be many of us who will begin to be more 'vocal':lol:!
That was the Word I received in service today...

ETA: It doesn't matter what people say, N&W. Once you dedicate your life to God, persecutions, name-calling, vehemence, etc., will come and are expected. :yep: That's neither here nor there and certainly won't break the bond.
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That was the Word I received in service today...

ETA: It doesn't matter what people say, N&W. Once you dedicate your life to God, persecutions, name-calling, vehemence, etc., will come and are expected. :yep: That's neither here nor there and certainly won't break the bond.
Amen, Laela. I'm at the point now where I really don't care what they have to say...I will say what I know is right and the truth and if they don't like it...lump it!