Taken care of but no voice.


New Member
Can you be in a relationship either married or seperated where your spouse takes care of you very well, you lack for nothing financially, but he does not live with you, tells you how to raise the kids, how to dress, how to eat, when you gain weight, how to wear your hair, who you can hang out with....etc you get the point.

You have a nanny for the kids, a cook and maid and live the glamorous life. Could you do it? You take any trip or vacation you want. Emotionally no he is not there but willling to take care of you because he says you have his children and it is his job, but you can not date anyone else if you are seperated and he tells you who can come to the house around his children.
Can you be in a relationship either married or seperated where your spouse takes care of you very well, you lack for nothing financially, but he does not live with you, tells you how to raise the kids, how to dress, how to eat, when you gain weight, how to wear your hair, who you can hang out with....etc you get the point.

At first glance, my first thought was, "Is he is prison?"
My second thought is - If he doesn't live with you, how would he know what's going on?
I know of some. Their husbands live abroad and they are well-kept and wealthy. Are they happy? I think a woman would be cheating with a no-show daily husband. I wouldn't like it.
That doesn't sound like much of a life. Yes, you're taken care of in every way possible, but you're not living YOUR life. Also, I wouldn't want my children to see me live that kind of life. I wouldn't want my daughters to think that it is ok for a man to tell them what to do just because a man pays all the bills and takes care of everything. Furthermore, I would want them to know that the don't have to depend on a man to live a certain lifestyle and if I had a son I wouldn't want him to think that it is ok to treat a woman this way.
This is not being taken care of this is a high living type of jail.

You have no say, no voice, no control and you abide by his rules or there are consequences......Yep that's jail.
I know someone who lives in this situation. She's always running like a chicken w/ its head cut off trying to meet his demands. She's not happy, but she's too comfortable to leave I think.
If the man does not live with you and he is not around then Okay I can do what I want and you are not around. When you come home

Side dick is put in the cupboard
No I am not being funny and yes this does happen. A couple of ladies where talking today and this subject came up. U would be amazed at the ones that said they would as long as they had everything they wanted. As long as they did not hve to work or worry aboyt bills and could travel.

As long as they have a nanny for the kids, a maid some1 to cook they are fine.
I'd divorce him for full time custody, child support and alimony. Then, we can go on living without him even being a factor. If he wants to visit sometimes, fine...but no all out control. I discuss the kids with him and try to find a way to parent that works for everyone. Once he started trying to control everything....he's out!

This is my second time using this gif today, but Hail Naw!
No. My freedom is priceless. And I can take care of me and my children. If he wants to visit his children, he is welcome, but he has NO say-so in MY life.