Taj finally has a FOTKI now!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've been a lurker since 2006 and decided to join in 2007. I made a decision to step up my hair game in 2010. Since I've been on this hair care journey, I've experienced many setbacks. With your help I've nursed my hair back to health. My mission is too achieve healthy, thick wl hair. I appreciate and thank you for all of your support!!:blowkiss:
a well organized FOTKI at that! congrats and lovely hair!!!

Thanks!! I tried and it made me realize how much time and effort it takes you ladies just to create a FOTKI. Not including the time it takes to build and maintain healthy hair.:grin:
nice hair and fotki. Did you pay? I had to give up fotki because no one has time to upload one pic at a time. I would like to track my progress better though, but i need something besides fotki.
Great Fotki- and your hair is lovely. How did you nurse your hair back to health?

I had stretched for a year so my hair was two different textures, natural and relaxed. I washed my hair and it became a tangled disaster!!! It took 3 days to untangle. My only options were to detangle or cut. With my sisters patience [FONT=&quot], love and care [/FONT] she untangled it. [FONT=&quot]However,[/FONT] the damage was severe. It was very thin, with small pieces of broken hair throughout my head.

I couldn't relax after the damage! So I revamped my regimen, began washing and deep conditioning every 2 weeks (for low manipulation). I did blow dry the roots after each wash and I trimmed as needed. Then I would keep my natural hair braided until the next wash day. I used BT on my scalp for growth and to regain thickness. I'd also apply castor oil to the lengths of my hair, moisturized & sealed nightly. I was consistent and maintained this routine for three months. When I relaxed my hair it was longer, thicker and stronger and I didn't have to trim.

Hair Regimen
Prepoo overnight before shampooing
Shampoo every 2 weeks
Deep condition every 2 weeks

BT as directed or every other day
Spritz, moisturize and seal ends nightly
Dusted/trimmed as needed
Silk scarf/silk pillow case

Vitamin Regimen
nice hair and fotki. Did you pay? I had to give up fotki because no one has time to upload one pic at a time. I would like to track my progress better though, but i need something besides fotki.

Thank you! No, I don't pay. I loaded one photo at a time and it is time consuming!:yawn: Not everyone uses Fotki, but I don't recall who doesn't at this time. If I come aross it I'll let you know.