Tah-Tah for a while.... Au revoir et A bientot!

Everything is mounting up and I seem to be using LHCF as an escape vs. dealing with things that need to be dealt with, this site has become my welcomed fog bc I dont like what's going on right now...:brainfog: There's nothing all that detrimental going on but I know I will be far more productive in dealing with things if I chill on this site for a while... I feel like I need a rest from life but a large part of my life has become LHCF. I think I will take a break until the end of the year, maybe my birthday in Dec. Thanks to all the ladies who extended thier kindness and hopefully I will return with some thread-worthy progress...:blowkiss: God Bless and HHG!!!!
Thank you both, I just finished writing down the few recipes that I may need to tie me over, I want to try to limit temptation to get back on here... lol Well, I'm signing off now, God Bless... :-)