Synthetic of Human??

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Hello all. I am considering extensions for the winter months. I thought that this would be a great time for me to wear my hair down,but the cold air and wind are killers to the strands. I've decided to wear my hear down only in the fall and spring times now. Anyway this will be my first time with extensions. Should I get synthetic or human hair?? How long can I leave them in? What products are good to calm the scalp itch? I am considering braids similar to Essence Atkin's when she played in Deliver us from Eva. Could anyone describe her braid style to me?Thanks a bunch.
I dobnt know. I would think human hair is better so you can moistrize properly but I am not sure. Someone w/ braid experience should know.
I only use human hair- I like the versatility and softness. Synthetic seems to be better, though for durability. It seems to hold better, human hair seems to start to slip sooner. I think you should figure out how long you want to keep them in at a time- meaning, are you planning on re-doing them every month, or longer. I redo mine about every 6-8 weeks, but I do them myself (another option you could look into) so I have the luxury of keeping them as long as I want, washing them whenever I feel, etc. The itch is kind of a preference thing, I think. The braid sprays seem to be popular on this board, but they don't really give me any more relief than rubbing some sort of moisture in the parts, like Mango or Shea butter. Of course, there is the tried and true head-slapping that was posted about earlier
I'm another human hair, self-braider. Mermaid is right about the differences between both sets of braids. I also find that with human hair I can reuse the piece over and over while if I had used synthetic, because I'd have to burn the ends to seal them and make them neat, I'd have to keep cutting the end off to redo them. So I'd soon run out of extension hair.
The human hair piece I'm wearing has been on my head since August 2001 and I cannot wait for this weekend when I hope to replace it with a longer piece.

You can treat human hair like you would relaxed hair. You can curl it, do braid-outs, twist-outs. If you're on a no-heat regimen, you can get a longer enough piece so you can curl the ends and do a doobie without touching your own hair.

It's true that human hair extensions slip when you wash but if you put rubberbands at the ends of few at a time and use a squeezing motion when washing, you should prevent them from falling out. Also if you can learn to do them yourself, you can keep them on for as long as you want. I am constantly retouching mine so I wear them 24/7. I don't use braid sprays and use very little jojoba oil when my hair is damp. That and my frequent retouching ensures that I don't get build-up at the base - which can lead to knotting. I never undo all my braids. I just do one at a time as they need it. This way I take the strain off the section the braid started from the last time and move it to the newer stronger hair. I haven't had any breakage with this method. I don't apply anything on my scalp and always do an ACV rinse (with lavendar and rosemary essential oils) at the end of every wash giving my scalp a good massage to make sure it's left squeaky clean. Because I do my own braids, I can get away with washing my hair twice a week and still sport neat braids.
I personally wouldn't touch human hair. I used to use it till I starting thinking "hey where do they get this hair from?". Then I got turned off. If you check out my album I have braids and I used toyokalon hair to get that look. It's looks very human but it has curls that don't need to be fixed every day. You can shampoo it, oil it, condition it(lightly), etc. HTH
Faith said:
I personally wouldn't touch human hair. I used to use it till I starting thinking "hey where do they get this hair from?". Then I got turned off.

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Usually from Asia where women's hair grows like weeds so cutting it off to sell is no biggie. At least that's what I believe. Then some of it could come from those ladies/guys we see on talk shows cutting their hair off for Locks of Love...since someone recently posted that it doesn't always get to the poor sick kids we're led to believe it's for.
Oh my Faith !!! What do you guys think about synthetic brands like Wa Wa. This new type of synthetic looks JUST LIKE human hair and feels like it too. (Not like high quality HH- but like the typical quality seen in a BSS). Has anyone ever tried it?
I just bought some human hair, 20 inches long. I will be using this to do my cornrows and braid style. since im transitioning and will be braiding often i got the human hair cos i can reuse it for each set of fresh braids. With synthetic hair i have to buy hair each time i rebraid.
nonie, you dont have to burn synthetic hair at the ends.
to make the style look neat and like human hair all you have to do it braid the plaits after you are dont then dip them in very hot water. the ends look really nice after that and you can use the hair over again. this is what i have had done.
for cornrows i use this hair that looks like human but its synthetic, its only like 6 dollars a pack and its just like human hair, without the price burden

for individuals i use human hair. i dont care where it comes from, altho cadavers is pretty gross, but oh well, if i needed a cadaver's organs to live i'd take it!

i have very very very thick hair, so it takes a lot hair to braid my hair individually and just cannot stand the bulky look of synthetic hair once all my individuals are done.

i never have any problems with itching either. i wash my hair every week, using the hairlady's method for washing braids on her website.

i moisturize my scalp with the ORS olive oil moisturizer and spray my braids with S-curl activator and baby love detangling conditioner. i get mine redone every 4-6 weeks, because i cannot stand the fuzzies!
hi honeydrop, what is the brand of this synthetic hair? I´mlooking for synth that looks and feels (well almost!) like human hair...

You can got to if you want to buy hair that's synthetic but looks like human hair.

human hair can come from many sources- cadavers being one of them. Usually it comes from Asian and Middle Eastern women. Their hair grows easily, and for more and more of them- especially from the Middle East- cutting their hair is an act of independance and throwing out the old ideals of women having to have long hair to be acceptable. I just like the versatility of human hair- you can do so much more with it and it lasts forever.
This new type of synthetic looks JUST LIKE human hair and feels like it too. (Not like high quality HH- but like the typical quality seen in a BSS). Has anyone ever tried it?

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i've definitely seen it. my local BSS has the entire line in all colors and textures. i'm so tempted to try it. you can heat it too if you do it carefully, they say. hmmm...
Hi faith, thanks a lot for this link! Although I don´t think I can order it to Germany (where I stay) now I know what to look for!

i've never been one to suffer for beauty's sake (hence my screenname--short for plainjane--just spelled fancy
): so hearing that some hair may come from cadavers is
--ewwww--yucky, yucky, yucky. ughhhh-good golly
Do you guys really believe that all hair that has 100% human hair on it is really 100% human hair? I don't. If you just think about all the human hair weave in one BSS, then think of all the BSS in your town, then all the BSS in your state, then the country and then the world!!! I just don't think that there are THAT many people selling their hair. Probably the really expensive brands are 100% human but the majority of it has got something else in it IMO.

To answer the ques though, I have human hair braids now but I wish that I had gotten synthetic hair b/c I'm going to have to do a lot of maintenance to wash them and keep them looking nice. Also, I am stressing over my ends b/c they were braided to the ends of my real hair and unravel slightly which I feel leaves my ends exposed and undermines the whole point of getting braids!! I keep trying to braid them down further but next time I'm definitely getting synthetic hair, burned at the ends. As far as the price I bought 2 packs of human hair for about $55 where as 8 packs of synthetic hair would be like $15.
Oh, and about the Wawa hair, the lady who braided my hair recommended it. It was packaged like human hair but I wasn't sure if I needed just 2 packs like human hair or if needed 8 packs like synthetic hair. It was $8 a pack. I probably did just need two packs but I didn't want to risk going there and running out with only a quarter of my head done.
It was pretty though and the pack said that you could use heat on it too.
One more thing. Do they get permission to cutt off the dead persons hair from their family or do they have to put it on their drivers license like an organ doner? I hope they don't cut it without asking someone! That is just so weird!
girl your hair and braids are beautiful I have a billion questions. How do you prepare your natural hair for braiding, do you have to blow dry? What is the brand name of the hair you used for the colored individual braids, does it get tangled with your natural hair? Also is it easy to take out the interlocked braids. I ware my hair natural too and I was also wondering how did you learn how to braid so well, was it practice? Help a sista out
Human hair coming from cadavers? That is scary...I always use human hair when I braid my hair in the tiny just works..I don't like the idea that it's a dead person's hair though...I never gave this much thought until I read this post that the hair could come from someone who is dead...scary!
I want to take my braids down now! But I can't.