Switching Rinses


Well-Known Member
I have been using Jazzings rinse for about 3 years now ( I have alot of gray hairs). I have been thinking about switching to Sebastians colour rinse for some time now and after reading the reviews about it I defintely want to try it. I wanted to know if I should wait till the rinse that I have is completely rinse out of my hair b4 I switch to the Sebastians or can I just add it on to my hair like that? Also I am attending a bridal shower next week and I need to color my hair but, I will be getting a relaxer in 2 weeks do I wait till after I have the relaxer to try the Sebastians or should I just try it now?:perplexed
Rinses "take" better after a relaxer because they penetrate the cuticle layer that has already been opened due to relaxing. Rinses help close/ seal the hair.

I'm going to give you my honest opinion... I wouldn't try something new right before a major event. so i'd say wait. But if you know you definitely want to use the colorshines, buy it and do a strand test.

How long has it been since you last did the jazzings??? Rinses only last about 3 weeks on my hair so i;d say if its been a month then you're good to go.
Thanks :)I will wait til I relax to try the color. Princesslockes, i usually use mocha for my hair color so I;m looking for a dark brown colour rinse.