Switching from Motions to Mizani


New Member
Hey Ladies,

Quick question....in the past I have always sworn by Precise no lye relaxer,then after discovering this board and taking care of my hair,I could not get my hair to "relax" with Precise so I switched to Motions lye w/oil. My hair loved it,I mean really really loved it. Well my last touch about 7 weeks ago my beloved Motions did nothing for my hair except texturize it about 10% so needless to say I dont count that as a relaxer.....so basically I am walking about with about 15 weeks worth of new growth.....LOL,but its ok....it hasnt been hard to handle but since 7 weeks has gone by since the last relaxer attempt with Motions,I want to relax my 2 inch new growth again. My question is should I go ahead and attempt to use Motions again? What are the chances that it will work this time. Or should I try a new lye relaxer? I want to try Mizani and its lye so I would be going from lye to lye.... I've switched before doing no lye to lye ,so lye to lye shouldnt be too bad,but I want to get everyones opinion before I switch again.

I bought a huge jar of motions and it only texturised my new growth also. I got my mum to redo it for me and it finally relaxed. Im also contemplating whether to continue with motions or not. It's not advisable to keep on relaxing the hair and getting unsatisfactory results. I advise you to switch to mizani. I dont want the same thing that happened to me so im definitely switching to another relaxer
Hi Dolapo,

Yeah thats what I'm afraid of. I dont want to use Motions again and it doesnt relax my hair,then I'd have to wait another 7-8 weeks and end up with 23 weeks of underprocessed new growth. My hair could not handle that but on the other hand I'm afraid to switch again. Is it harmful to the hair to keep switching relaxers? Logically one would think,because you are only relaxing the new growth and not the hair it shouldnt hurt,right?

When i wanted to correct the motions mess, i relaxed like the week after. I dont have much patience and my hair was out of control.
Hi Dolapo,

I've waited 7 whole weeks to correct this relaxer. I did some research by reading what many of the ladies said in other posts about Mizani. I think I'll go ahead and try it.

Someone also mentioned that straightening the new growth with a flat iron before relaxing helps to get better results if your relaxer is no longer processing. I've never tried that before but it sounds like something that might work.
