Switching from Lye to No Lye


Active Member
Has anyone had experience with this? If so, did it cause any breakage? I currently use Motions mild formula, but I'd like to try ORS (this is no lye, isn't it???):confused:

What's the best no lye relaxer?
ORS has a lye and a no-lye formula. I personally did switch from lye to no lye because i hated the way my hair results were after every touch up with lye. It was always underprocessed and I always had scalp burns. My fragile fine hair couldn't handle the lye. So I went from Silk elements lye to ORS no-lye. I was scurred because it seems themojority chose lye over no lye. But I'm glad I switched because it is the best thing I could have ever done and wished I did it a long time ago. I used Silk Elements based off of all the rave reviews off this board , but all it did was left me dissappointed with burns and underprocessed hair again. That was my last straw on that.

My hair was shocked after going to ORS. It went through a dry spell at first and all I had to do was learn how to give it the moisture it needs. Now my hair is getting stronger and my stretches are lasting longer. My hair is also getting thicker. I love the ORS and I wouldlike to try the Phyto, but I'm scared because you know the saying, if it ain't broke.. don't fix it and ORS is not broke. It works well with me. I wished I switched long long time ago. ORS No-lye works for me.

I sound like a commercial??:D
nomoweavesfome said:
ORS has a lye and a no-lye formula. I personally did switch from lye to no lye because i hated the way my hair results were after every touch up with lye. It was always underprocessed and I always had scalp burns. My fragile fine hair couldn't handle the lye. So I went from Silk elements lye to ORS no-lye. I was scurred because it seems themojority chose lye over no lye. But I'm glad I switched because it is the best thing I could have ever done and wished I did it a long time ago. I used Silk Elements based off of all the rave reviews off this board , but all it did was left me dissappointed with burns and underprocessed hair again. That was my last straw on that.

The same thing happened to me but mine was Motions Salons Herbal. I didnt experience any breakage with my switch and IMO its much safer than a corrective....
:D :D Yeah, you do sound like a commercial!:D :D But with hair like yours, I'm buying whatever you're selling. :lol: Your hair is beautiful. What is you regimen?

I have fine hair as well. I'm in my first stretch (heading into week 9), so the next time I relax (week 12), I want to make a fresh start. (Been using Motions for about 8 years now without a lot of progress.)

I actually prefer to not have my hair bone straight. It always tends to break off when I do. So I guess I could just do ORS no lye, but don't leave it in the full recommended time.
I use Affirm, went from lye to no lye (without my knowledge, at first). I use the sensitive scalp, which is no lye. At first I thought I had dryness and breakage, but really what I was noticing is that it wasn't strong enough to knock out the waves and silken them as much as the lye version. But the lye version tears up my head something terrible. I get good results with no lye, and my hair still grows (well, maintains length, anyway :rolleyes:)