Switching from Lye to No-Lye Relaxer


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies, I need :help:

For the most part of my relaxed life, I have always used Lye relaxer. And last month as I ventured into self-relaxing, I decided that it would be best for me to use No-Lye instead this time. As a result my hair is shedding a lot. I know that a lot of ladies on here are ride or die Lye users. But since I do plan to continue to use No-lye, I wanted to know what I should be doing differently now that I use No-Lye. And most importantly how do I stop/slow down this shedding!!! :help: me, :prettyplease:

Your hair may need to be chelated. I use Joico Chelating Shampoo, followed by the Joico Cuticle Sealer after I relax my hair.

You will have to take special care to ensure that your hair is moisturized. More so than you did when you used Lye.

Your hair may need to be chelated. I use Joico Chelating Shampoo, followed by the Joico Cuticle Sealer after I relax my hair.

You will have to take special care to ensure that your hair is moisturized. More so than you did when you used Lye.


I chelated the week after my relaxer with Mizani Phormula 7 Normalizing and Chelating Shampoo. Do you think I should do it more often??
....So, you think more moisture will help to alleviate my shedding issue? That I can do! Thank you, taz007!
Your hair may need to be chelated. I use Joico Chelating Shampoo, followed by the Joico Cuticle Sealer after I relax my hair.

You will have to take special care to ensure that your hair is moisturized. More so than you did when you used Lye.


IA with what taz07 stated.
Are you sure that it is shedding or breakage? If it is shedding, what I would do is put a mix of JBCO and Aloe Vera on my scalp, leave it in over night and then wash, condition, etc.
Are you sure that it is shedding or breakage? If it is shedding, what I would do is put a mix of JBCO and Aloe Vera on my scalp, leave it in over night and then wash, condition, etc.

It's definitely shedding. The strands come from the root with that little bulb at the end of it. Where can I get the JBCO and Aloe Vera? Do you think Sallys or CVS would carry it or would I have to order this online?
JBCO may be purchased online. You could use regular castor oil from CVS as well. I usually get my Aloe Vera gel from Vitamin Shoppe.
sorry to hear about your shedding problems but its sooo crazy to me that this happened to you because something similar happened to me..

i was a no-lye user for all of my relaxed life.. i made the switch from NO-lye to Lye and had the exact same problem.. still recovering actually.. I will NOT use Lye again (no offense to our Lye ladies, just not for me) but i think its more of the switching part than anything.. for us both to make the switch, just in the opposite order and still get the same result is surprising to me.

my hair was dry, and breaking and shedding to the point of crying.. i posted about it and was recommended to try porosity control and it seems to have made all the difference. its like my hair was acting out in the presence of this unknown chemical.. and it was definitely shedding with me too, had the white bulbs like you said..just clumps of it at a time.. (shudders to think about it again)

but like the ^^ ladies said.. chelating and moisture will improve the condition of your scalp.. and porosity control HTH
Concerning the shedding: Consider a garlic shampoo, conditioner, or some other product you can regularly use with garlic in it. I use Alter Ego Deep Impac Garlic deep conditioning treatment if I don't make my own garlic treatment. When I use this, I apply it to the scalp, message it from the scalp lightly down the length and then proceed with a protein treatment. This usually eliminates shedding completely or by like 90%. When I make my own treatment I usually soak fresh or minced garlic in some oil, massage it into the scalp (after sifting), and then shampoo.

Keep your porosity in check. Moisture, moisture, moisture. Chelate. DC regularly. Seal in your moisture.
sorry to hear about your shedding problems but its sooo crazy to me that this happened to you because something similar happened to me..

i was a no-lye user for all of my relaxed life.. i made the switch from NO-lye to Lye and had the exact same problem.. still recovering actually.. I will NOT use Lye again (no offense to our Lye ladies, just not for me) but i think its more of the switching part than anything.. for us both to make the switch, just in the opposite order and still get the same result is surprising to me.

my hair was dry, and breaking and shedding to the point of crying.. i posted about it and was recommended to try porosity control and it seems to have made all the difference. its like my hair was acting out in the presence of this unknown chemical.. and it was definitely shedding with me too, had the white bulbs like you said..just clumps of it at a time.. (shudders to think about it again)

but like the ^^ ladies said.. chelating and moisture will improve the condition of your scalp.. and porosity control HTH

Thanks, it's good to know that I'm not alone at this. You're probably right my hair/scalp probably went into some sort of shock with the introduction of the new chemical. When I see the clumps of hair, I too want to cry but I keep having to step back and look at the overall picture, their is still hair on my head and I can fix this. I just need to figure out how. For my next wash I think I might try chelating, PC, and doing some intensive moisture. I haven't done the PC in a while so hopefully that will help.

Concerning the shedding: Consider a garlic shampoo, conditioner, or some other product you can regularly use with garlic in it. I use Alter Ego Deep Impac Garlic deep conditioning treatment if I don't make my own garlic treatment. When I use this, I apply it to the scalp, message it from the scalp lightly down the length and then proceed with a protein treatment. This usually eliminates shedding completely or by like 90%. When I make my own treatment I usually soak fresh or minced garlic in some oil, massage it into the scalp (after sifting), and then shampoo.

Keep your porosity in check. Moisture, moisture, moisture. Chelate. DC regularly. Seal in your moisture.

I really hate to order stuff online, and I know that the AlterEgo is only available online to me. Do you mind sharing your homemade garlic treatment?
Thanks, it's good to know that I'm not alone at this. You're probably right my hair/scalp probably went into some sort of shock with the introduction of the new chemical. When I see the clumps of hair, I too want to cry but I keep having to step back and look at the overall picture, their is still hair on my head and I can fix this. I just need to figure out how. For my next wash I think I might try chelating, PC, and doing some intensive moisture. I haven't done the PC in a while so hopefully that will help.

I really hate to order stuff online, and I know that the AlterEgo is only available online to me. Do you mind sharing your homemade garlic treatment?

No, I don't mind at all.

What you'll need:

  • Pure garlic powder or garlic cloves
  • Oil(s) of your choice
  • Mason jar or other container
  • Shampoo to wash it out

I use a garlic treatment at every wash, in fact, today is wash day so I'll be doing one tonight. I have very little shedding, sometimes what seems like none at all, and I'm over four months post last relaxer. I take a mason jar and put about a 1/2 cup of my oil(s) of choice in it. Usually this is amla oil, coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil (occasionally sweet almond oil). The oils are warmed up in the microwave the day of mixing and the day of application. I take some fresh crushed garlic cloves or pure garlic powder and mix it in with the oils. I secure the mason jar and let the mixture sit usually over night or for two days. If I am using the cloves, obviously they will need to be removed from the jar in order to use it (sifted). If I am using the pure garlic powder then I will just leave it in the jar to use it. Some people have used minced garlic, which is fine, but make sure to sift it as well, as it will be very hard to rinse out if you do not. The next day after or two days after the garlic oil has had time to sit, I massage it on to my scalp and roots then proceed to apply the products I use for a pre-poo on the rest of the hair before shampooing, DCing and styling as usual. The garlic treatment is the beginning of my pre-poo process and usually remains on my hair without heat for as long as I can take it. I do this on dry hair and I do not use heat because the oils are previously warmed up. The scent will not linger if you do this before shampooing, and if it still does, it shouldn't last.

Another recipe for this:

Garlic shampoo and conditioner:

Using garlic for shedding:

Why and how does garlic work for shedding?:

Garlic shampoo for shedding:

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No, I don't mind at all.

What you'll need:

  • Pure garlic powder or garlic cloves
  • Oil(s) of your choice
  • Mason jar or other container
  • Shampoo to wash it out

I use a garlic treatment at every wash, in fact, today is wash day so I'll be doing one tonight. I have very little shedding, sometimes what seems like none at all, and I'm over four months post last relaxer. I take a mason jar and put about a 1/2 cup of my oil(s) of choice in it. Usually this is amla oil, coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil (occasionally sweet almond oil). The oils are warmed up in the microwave the day of mixing and the day of application. I take some fresh crushed garlic cloves or pure garlic powder and mix it in with the oils. I secure the mason jar and let the mixture sit usually over night or for two days. If I am using the cloves, obviously they will need to be removed from the jar in order to use it (sifted). If I am using the pure garlic powder then I will just leave it in the jar to use it. Some people have used minced garlic, which is fine, but make sure to sift it as well, as it will be very hard to rinse out if you do not. The next day after or two days after the garlic oil has had time to sit, I massage it on to my scalp and roots then proceed to apply the products I use for a pre-poo on the rest of the hair before shampooing, DCing and styling as usual. The garlic treatment is the beginning of my pre-poo process and usually remains on my hair without heat for as long as I can take it. I do this on dry hair and I do not use heat because the oils are previously warmed up. The scent will not linger if you do this before shampooing, and if it still does, it shouldn't last.

Another recipe for this:

Garlic shampoo and conditioner:

Using garlic for shedding:

Why and how does garlic work for shedding?:

Garlic shampoo for shedding:

