

Active Member
Hey it's me again. :)
I'm going swimming tomorrow, been trawling through the archives.

I've seen saturating the hair with water + condish mentioned
also shea butter?

i've also seen that washing the hair with club soda (i'm guess that's what American's call carbonated water? according to google anyway?) recommended too.

can anyone vouch for any of these? I'm leaning towards the shea butter as won't the condish just wash out?

also, i don't know what to do with my hair. I know if i just pull it back, it'll end up all knotty, and my hair will shrink and the sides and front won't stay back in a bun, or a puff, and my cornrows don't look presentable at all. :(
Wet your hair first in the shower and put shea butter on it. Put it into a bun. Then after you get out rinse with water and shampoo with a clarifying shampoo. Follow up with a DC
I've used Ultra Swim Shampoo and Conditioner since I was a kid. Works well for me. Put the conditioner in your hair and then wear a swim cap. When you're done, use the shampoo and conditioner.
When I go swimming chlorine messes with my hair badly. My hair usually dries out. The whole club soda thing usually involves pouring bicarbonate on your hair in the shower, bi carbonate is baking soda. However, the chlorine ion is a base. Chlorine itself is neither acid nor base and the chlorine in the swimming pool is diluted with water, and I heard that it is actually neutral and not designed to lower or raise the PH. I don't see any point in going along with the myth that club soda will make a difference on your hair if these facts are indeed true. Just use a very good clarifying shampoo and follow up with a deep conditioning treatment, because clairfying shampoos can be harsh as well as the chlorine.
The shea butter works but can end up on your goggles (if you use goggles). I used to be concerned now I just swim and cowash with a clarifying conditioner. My hair is thriving.

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I use shealoe and wear celie braids or twists. I wash hair with clarifying conditioner or shampoo followed by conditioner or African Black Soap followed by conditioner. Some days I have to run to next appointment and I twist braids/twists into bantu knots. I soak bantu knots with about 1/4 cup aloe vera juice diluted in a jug of water, wash body, rinse bantu knots. I can wash and condition later in the day or evening. I have natural type 4 hair. YMMV.