Swimming Lessons - I Want Them


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I want to take swimming lessons, but don’t know what to do with my 4b/4c hair. Is it better to get braids put in or is it possible to do it without them. I am hair lazy and prefer to wash every other week rather than every week. Part of me thinks that I would have to get a taper cut or relaxer to make hair care lower stress and more manageable, but I really don’t want to cut my hair or go back to chemicals. Ideas? Or do I have to do one of these things.

Hi everyone,

I want to take swimming lessons, but don’t know what to do with my 4b/4c hair. Is it better to get braids put in or is it possible to do it without them. I am hair lazy and prefer to wash every other week rather than every week. Part of me thinks that I would have to get a taper cut or relaxer to make hair care lower stress and more manageable, but I really don’t want to cut my hair or go back to chemicals. Ideas? Or do I have to do one of these things.


I used a tight swim cap with a shower cap underneath making sure the cap wasn't over my ears.
Great advice!

My teen son took swim lessons a couple years ago and we used a good swim cap as well, purchased off of Amazon. He has APL/BSB locs and they fit fine under a swim cap.

I also made him soak his hair with condish before covering bc of what I had heard on the hair boards many years ago. It was just a precaution. The thought is that if the strands are already full, they will take in less of the chlorine water. His hair didn't get wet though.
Great advice!

My teen son took swim lessons a couple years ago and we used a good swim cap as well, purchased off of Amazon. He has APL/BSB locs and they fit fine under a swim cap.

I also made him soak his hair with condish before covering bc of what I had heard on the hair boards many years ago. It was just a precaution. The thought is that if the strands are already full, they will take in less of the chlorine water. His hair didn't get wet though.

Do you remember which swim cap? Thank you.
A good swim cap worn properly should do the trick. If your hair is too big to get under it loose, a couple of flat twists or cornrows should make it squish down enough.

They make swim caps that fit box braids and locs now. It is still tight on the perimeter but has a bigger dome. I bought one on Amazon when my daughter had box braids.