Swimming Lessons and Hair...


Active Member
Hi Everyone!

My children will be taking swimming lessons for 2 weeks, and I would like to know if it will be necessary to wash their hair daily due to the chlorine in the pool? TIA.:)
I would say yes. One thing to do though is to wet their hair before swimming and put a conditioner on it so that the chlorine won't absorb as much into their hair. When I took swimming I used Paul Mitchell Aloe Rid Shampoo. You may not need something so harsh if you wet their hair first and apply the conditioner. However, shampooing everyday will help to rid an excess chlorine and save the ahir from breakage.
I know Aubrey carries a swimmers shampoo (I believe its the actual name). Since their products are all natural I'm sure its pretty gentle.
I use the AO Swimmer's shampoo on my children's head, and mine too. They swim about 4 or 5 times a week.

It's not that harsh, but it gets the chlorine out.

I follow up with the Honeysuckle Rose conditioner. Makes their hair smell like roses. Yummy.
I used to wet my hair first and add Kemi Oyl and braid it up when I swam competitively and practiced three days a week. If she's going to be swimming less than three days a week I would use conditioner. If your hair is dry the chlorinated water goes right to the hair shaft and the more times she swims a week the drier her hair my get. At least if your hair is wet and sealed with oil there's less of a chance of absorption. I would definitely wash her hair after every lesson and let the water run on her hair for a bit before you start to shampoo to remove as much of the chlorine as possible and condition her hair well. I still swim once a week and I just add conditioner to my hair before I put my cap on.

HTH :)
Thanks so much for your replies. They are going to be taking swimming lessons everyday for 2 weeks for about an hour. I will definitely stop by and get some form of swimmer's shampoo and add some conditioner to their heads before sending them. I don't believe they will be swimming in caps. At least the instructor didn't say that. I will definitely wash every day because we cannot afford any breakage. Thanks again! :)
Great Post! I was wondering the same thing, my 5 year old daughter is taking 2 week swimming lessons starting next week, I couldn't decide whether to just cornroll it and rinse it every night or leave it natural and wash it every night. Do you guys think the cornrolls would be ok?
nylady74 said:
I used to wet my hair first and add Kemi Oyl and braid it up when I swam competitively and practiced three days a week. If she's going to be swimming less than three days a week I would use conditioner. If your hair is dry the chlorinated water goes right to the hair shaft and the more times she swims a week the drier her hair my get. At least if your hair is wet and sealed with oil there's less of a chance of absorption. I would definitely wash her hair after every lesson and let the water run on her hair for a bit before you start to shampoo to remove as much of the chlorine as possible and condition her hair well. I still swim once a week and I just add conditioner to my hair before I put my cap on.

HTH :)

nylady where did you find your swim cap? I can't find one anywhere, I even had my mom look in FL and she couldn't find one. Thanks.
lonesomedove said:
Great Post! I was wondering the same thing, my 5 year old daughter is taking 2 week swimming lessons starting next week, I couldn't decide whether to just cornroll it and rinse it every night or leave it natural and wash it every night. Do you guys think the cornrolls would be ok?

From reading everyone's suggestions, I am going to wash after each lesson. I think I'm gonna put her hair in 4 bantu knots for the lessons after I wet it and put conditioner on it. Then when she gets home I'll wash/rinse it out and put it up for the next day. My son will be easy. I wish I could do cornrows. :ohwell:
lonesomedove said:
nylady where did you find your swim cap? I can't find one anywhere, I even had my mom look in FL and she couldn't find one. Thanks.

Any sporting goods store, like Sports Authority carry them. I actually got mine at Target in the Sporting Equipment section, it should be with the pool equipment. It shouldn't be more than $3.

Word of caution...wet your hair first or put some kind of conditioner or oil on your hair. If your hair is completely dry it might pull or break you hair :eek:

HTH :)