Sweet Story


New Member
Sometimes, it's good to report on the positive things that happen, so here goes...

I was working with one of my somewhat distant relative's on a project, and I ended up carrying a large part of the load due to my relative's crazy work schedule. I didn't mind doing it because this relative is blood plus she is true blue and would have done the same for me. Anyway, I had to go to her office for the first time, and I noticed that she had Aveda products on her desk. I was psyched, because NOBODY I know IRL uses Aveda products. Of course, I commented on it saying "You use Aveda products?" She was like :look: "Yeah." Then, I told her that I use Aveda color shampoos, the Brilliant conditioner, and the now discontinued Aveda DPHR. She told me that I should try the Aveda Humectant Pomade, etc. (Her hair BTW is always fabulous).

Well, guess what this relative did? She purchased the whole Aveda Smooth Infusion line for me as a thank you gift. I was so excited that I actually wrote her a thank you card. Now, I get to try this line out along with knowing that other people IRL are using some of the same products that I use w/ good results.
Awww good for you! tHAT is a sweet story. It"s very comforting to know someone IRL that shares a common interest. I've never tried Aveda but enjoy the line!:grin: