Sweet Lyes...Is Kera Care lye relaxer the truth?

Hi everybody, I have a quick question. My sister has a revlon lye relaxer but she made an appointment to get a touch up and the stylist recommended that she get a Kera-Care relaxer next time. Is this a good idea? I don't really know anything about Kera Care relaxers so any advice would be welcomed. Thanks in advance!
Yeah, I think OP or the stylist was referring to Affirm (because KeraCare its sister and supporting products are all under the Avlon brand name).

I have used Optimum, Olive Oil, and Mizani, but everytime I return back to Affirm, my hair behaves much better. I have 4b, coarse, resistant hair, and so it gets it straight (but not bone straight) and does not burn my scalp. Also my hair does not tangle or get dry like it did with the other relaxers.

Also, stylists mostly seem to gravitate towards the professional salon graded relaxers.