Surgeing was going great... until


New Member
Until today!!

I found a little scab on my scalp. In the past I have enjoyed a healthy scalp... no scalp irritation or anything of the sort.

It seems like the surge did increase my growth, but it’s not worth it to get scabs in your scalp. I don’t put anything else on my scalp.


How should I care for this scab on my scalp?? Is there anything that I should put on it, or should I leave it alone?
devi, how long were you surging when you saw the burn? was it near your hairline or sides? i'm concerned because i've been surging consistently now, twice a day, for 12 days. i posted today about a painful scalp due to new growth pushing through the follicle, but now i'm thinking that i could have scalp irritation from the surge because the pain started last night and it's just gotten worst! i got some growth, but hardly enough to endure pain from a burned up scalp. i'm gonna discontinue my use.
You should just leave it alone unless you have real aloe vera gel(straight from the plant)
I've never had any problem with Surge but I just use it once a day and I lightly oil my scalp afterwards.
You need to use the Surge sparingly, a little goes a long way, I only Surge once a day, and when I do, I follow it up with oil and a moisturizer.
I also surged once a day and sparingly at that, but I didn't follow it up with anything because I don't like oils or anything on my scalp.

The only reason that I put surge there is because it's watery and it evaporates.

nurseN98- Thanks for the advice, I'll get some aloe tomorrow!

Taliah- it's about an inch away from my hairline on the top of my head (where my ear is)

I had no pain. It must have been a sore, then scabbed up without me noticing it. I've been using surge for about 2 months.
aww, sorry to hear about the scab! maybe if you continue to surge you could work a little more at making sure to oil your scalp right after surging.
nah, I'll just stop using it.

I'm being greedy anyway, most months I get .75 inches or close to it.