Yeah, it's been discontinued. So those who have extra bottles or can still find left over supply at local BSS are selling them for outrageous prices on ebay.
Just yesterday I was in Pathmark and I saw some Surge 14 spray and Ultra Max in the hair aisle. I was really shocked and I was gonna buy some but I reminded myself that I still have 2 bottles so I don't really need it. There were 5 bottles on the shelf
I'm not positive, but you might want to read old threads on Eqyss Avocado Mist. It has the same 'active' ingredient ( the mucco-something or others)as in Surge but has a weaker protein which can be good or bad. I bought a big bottle about 2 years ago or so but can't remember if it worked well for me or not. I think I still have a bit left. I remember before I bought it asking a few members on the board about it and they preferred it to surge, it's worth a shot imho! Sareca uses some of the Eqyss line I believe too.