Surge Update Month 2


New Member
I remember when I made the "I got an inch this month" post last month, I'd PROMISE to keep you updated with the Surge progress.

I relaxed last night and boy what growth did I have. At the most in the middle and the back and side I got a full inch other areas I'd say about 3/4 and in the front not very much at about 1/4 but that area always grows slowly for me anyway, so it's not surprise or disappointment.

I have been surging, max once a day. I did have a minor set back which was described by one of the members on the board in the nape of neck (bottom left area) one day a week and a half ago, where suddenly at work it felt like I had put my hair in a bun too tight and it was beginning to pull. I never do my buns too tight, as I'm scared of traction alopecia and general breakage, I've come too far to step back!!!!! Well it felt tender, but when i felt in the area there was no bump or sore. But when I washed my hair that night. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Just the water in the area caused me to curse out loud. The only way to describe it, was like I'd left lye relaxer in the area for like 2 frickin hours. I never once thought it was the Surge, but after reading some of the stories here, I realised it was. That is the one spot where I seriously overdo it. Everywhere else has been fine. The next day that area was back to normal, no sores, no scabs, nothing.
Anyway I still use it, but I'm careful about how much I spray each time and don't overdo it. I'm still getting good results from the product overall, and so far I'd say that fiasco was the only downside so far. But since I spray that stuff like Soul Glo (think coming to America) in that area, I knew that's what it was.

Anyway onto next noticeable thing to do with the growth. I've been eating about 2-3 egg whites a day, and I would say that this has caused a significant difference also. The texture is looser, and my hair in general (new growth) seems so much thicker. I think I actually prefer the results from the egg whites to the PP Biotin, and you know that has to be saying something.

For those that want to know, I just boil my eggs hard, cut them in half and pop out the yolk, sprinkle with a lil salt to taste and eat them. I prefer them cold as I noticed last night, when I eat them warm, the same smell of the egg seems to appear out of my rear end an hour later. Thank God my bf wasn't staying with me cause that would have been the end of that 8 year relationship. Talk about Weapons of Mass Destruction. That gas would have made Osama run out of his cave with his hands in the air.

So there's my update for the month, the Surge and the eggs seem to be working well as an internal and external contributing factor for another inch this month.
Congrats Diva. You are on a roll girl. Great to hear the Surge and egss are working for ya
. Keep it up girlie and I'll be looking forward to reading your updates.
LondonDiva thanks for posting your updates. It's great to know that you've had great progress with the Surge.Girl you are just to funny; I love your posts. Keep us updated on your future progress and happy hair growing.
LondonDiva said:
I prefer them cold as I noticed last night, when I eat them warm, the same smell of the egg seems to appear out of my rear end an hour later. Thank God my bf wasn't staying with me cause that would have been the end of that 8 year relationship. Talk about Weapons of Mass Destruction. That gas would have made Osama run out of his cave with his hands in the air.

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You are hilarious. Congrats on the continued growth with the Surge
Hey LD, I'm right with you on the increased growth from using Surge. Like you I only apply it once per day and I have not had any problems with itching or burning. I'm glad that you mentioned about it loosening the texture of your hair because I think it is doing the same to me. I noticed it right at the 2week mark like the bottle says. The area at my crown which is normally very kinked has been loosening & lengthening of late. Maybe it's just because of the added weight from new growth. It doesn't look texturized or anything after it has dried completely. Anyway I'm glad you are getting good results from Surge!
London Diva, thanks for the update. I am also experiencing increased growth with Surge but had some tenderness and soreness when I was using twice a day. I took a week off from it before I colored my hair with henna this past Saturday and I will wait another week after the henna before resuming the Surge. I can hardly wait to get back to it but I now realize that this effective stuff is also powerful so I'd better give some wait time after the henna.

Also, after reading your post, I'm thinking about adding the eggwhites to my diet.
sithembile said:
Do you go to a salon in London?

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Girl are you crazy LOL
me in a salon, that would never happen.

Since I've grown my hair myself
only when I had locs, got a weave or braids done was the only time I'd let someone do my hair.
LondonDiva said:
For those that want to know, I just boil my eggs hard, cut them in half and pop out the yolk, sprinkle with a lil salt to taste and eat them. I prefer them cold as I noticed last night, when I eat them warm, the same smell of the egg seems to appear out of my rear end an hour later. Thank God my bf wasn't staying with me cause that would have been the end of that 8 year relationship. Talk about Weapons of Mass Destruction. That gas would have made Osama run out of his cave

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