Surge.... ultra max, moisture aide, woojee cream


Well-Known Member
Does anyone use these? If so what is the difference between the moisture aide and the woojee cream. Does the ultra max increase hair growth? What do you like about these products?
I use surge every once and a while, when I remember. I, unlike many of the other board members, have not experienced significant growth. This may be due to my inconsistant usage.

The Moisture Aide, is a def. keeper. I love it and use it every night on my ends. I also like to use it when I air dry my hair. Even when I use it in excess, It is very light and provides incredible moisture. It leaves my hair soft, and VERY managable.

It has a very different consistency not watery and not so creamy. I think it has a pleasant smell (something you dont get tired of) and works great to mix with other moisturizers (for us home chemists) :)

The woojee cream, I used twice and was not too crazy about it.. I found it actually to make my hair very dry??? I have not touched it since.

Hope this helped!
I know both woojee cream and moisture aide are moisturizers but for the users who have used both what is the difference between them(like which one worked better,etc)
I use the whole line of Surge excluding the Power Wash and Moisture Aide.
I love the Surge Plus and the Woojie cream. They keep my hair moisturized and aid in extra hair growth per month.

Next relaxer touchup: September 5th, 2005 (Mizani)
Current style rocking till touchup time: Cornrows (all natural)
Challenges: MTG 2x's per week for 6 weeks while in
will be in my album after 6 wks.
Current hair length: 2 inches past brastrap (blown out and trimmed)
Ultimate hair goal for 2005: 5 inches past brastrap by December
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I use the ultra hair loves this stuff. It makes my hair very soft and managable (I'm currently 4 months post relaxer)
I use the Surge 14 as a detangler after washing. I used to use the moisture Aide after blow drying, however it made my hair hard and flake. For me, the woojee cream consistency was just allllllll wrong, so I knew I couldn't use it the first time I put some in my hand. I really like the ultra max though. I put some on my scalp twice a week before going to bed or if I want to wear a ponytail, I use it to smooth the hair in the front or if I am having problems wrapping my hair, I use it to smooth my hair down.

I had my last big chop in January since then my hair has grown about 4-5 inches. I don't know if its only from using the Surge though since I have made a lot of changes since then (to my diet, the shampoo/conditioners I use and exercise), but I think it is helping.
I have used some of the Moisture Aide's mineral oil free, while the Woojee Cream has mineral oil.

The consistency is different from the Woojee Cream. The Moisture Aide looks an oil...

I liked the Moisture Aide to put on my ends...but overall I prefer the Woojee Cream...keeping in mind...all heads are different.

Wish I could provide more feedback...but that's all I got.

Good luck.
I'm currently using Surge Ultra Max as a moisturizer for my hair. :love: it!!!! It's the perfect consistency and doesn't weigh my hair down at all. I didn't like it too well as a scalp scalp doesn't do well with creams. But on my hair.... :up: :up:!!!!

I tried a sample of the Woojee Cream..... :down: :down: That stuff made my hair as dry as a bone, and I didn't like the "watery" consistency. My hair is super thick, so I need something a lil' bit more creamy and moisturizing.
I've stopped using the Surge Plus 14 because it doesn't agree with certain areas of my scalp. Even the new improved formula:ohwell:

BUT.... I loooove the Ultra Max!
Haven't used the Moisture aid yet, that's next. I'm trying out my samples. I don't really care for the Woojee cream. It didn't do much for my hair, and it has mineral oil in it. My hair never reacts to mineral oil well. As for the difference between that and the Moisture Aid I can't tell you, but that's my review on the products I've used.
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