I use the Surge 14 as a detangler after washing. I used to use the moisture Aide after blow drying, however it made my hair hard and flake. For me, the woojee cream consistency was just allllllll wrong, so I knew I couldn't use it the first time I put some in my hand. I really like the ultra max though. I put some on my scalp twice a week before going to bed or if I want to wear a ponytail, I use it to smooth the hair in the front or if I am having problems wrapping my hair, I use it to smooth my hair down.
I had my last big chop in January since then my hair has grown about 4-5 inches. I don't know if its only from using the Surge though since I have made a lot of changes since then (to my diet, the shampoo/conditioners I use and exercise), but I think it is helping.