Surge & Scalp Peeling????


Well-Known Member
I used Surge for about a week and I think I liked it, but My scalp started to flake off all of a sudden. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing. Is this supposed to happen. I used the ORS baking soda scalp cleanser but I still have a little bit of flaking. Can this be clogging my pores or is it cleansing. Any Surge users out there that can explain the benefits of this???

I have never had dandruff and I don't think this is dandruff, it looks like skin (scabs:barf: )

trimbride said:
I used Surge for about a week and I think I liked it, but My scalp started to flake off all of a sudden. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing. Is this supposed to happen. I used the ORS baking soda scalp cleanser but I still have a little bit of flaking. Can this be clogging my pores or is it cleansing. Any Surge users out there that can explain the benefits of this???

I have never had dandruff and I don't think this is dandruff, it looks like skin (scabs:barf: )


Hi Trimbride,
this sounds like an allergic reaction. When I tried Surge las year, after a week or so it caused flaking and soreness followed by burns. I think some other ladies experienced similar problems.

Yeah, ive heard about this as well, but havent personally experienced. Hmm, doesnt sound very kosher to me. I'd probably cease usage.
This happened to me with Surge and Shin Men, I would suggest washing your hair asap, oil the scalp with Vitamin E (if you use any oil) and baby your hair. I think it's an allergic reaction like MeechUK said.

I hope this helps. Sometimes topical growth stimulants can do more harm than good.
This happened to me when I first used Surge back in 04'. I suggest you either discontinue using Surge if you're having an allergic reaction, or in my case, you follow up w/ a good moisturizer after each application because it can be a little drying.
This happened to me to. I think it's just drying out your scalp or build-up. I never got any burns, but I hated the flakes! I thought this was just a problem with the old formula, but it looks like the new one is doing the same thing.
Happened to me too, that's why I had to stop surging. My skin was peeling off around my ears, after two weeks behind my ears were completely white colored. I tried diluting it but nothing worked so I stopped at once.
Thanks guys, I really hoped to add this to my regimen. Seems like a great product, but I think I will discontinue use. Everyones hair is looking lovely Especially the Fro it is Beautiful!!!!
This happened to me as well...mine was not burning or a rash or anything just i would see like dry scalp and would scratch and would end up with some seriously big skin flakes....YUCK

I think surge stimulates the scalp and that it results in the skin cells being exfoliated at a faster than normal (and more than normal) rate. This is not necessarily a bad thing...but to me it looked I had a disorder.

If you have itching and soreness etc maybe you should stop.
Surge irritates my scalp too when used straight. I find that I have to condition wash or rinse my scalp at least every other day, and use Surge in conjunction with an oil to avoid irritation.
Nope you're not crazy. Too bad the people that invented Surge don't get to read our posts. It sounds like most of you guys improved upon their product or had to stop using it.
lana said:
Nope you're not crazy. Too bad the people that invented Surge don't get to read our posts. It sounds like most of you guys improved upon their product or had to stop using it.

The creators of surge are members here. I think they did come out with a new improved version. But I guess it just hasn't caught on yet.
This also happened to me. I loved this product but it burned the upper part of my ears and behind my ears and neck really bad. I had scabs for a couple of days. My upper part of my ears became swollen and tender. Very painful experience.
trimbride said:
I used Surge for about a week and I think I liked it, but My scalp started to flake off all of a sudden. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing. Is this supposed to happen. I used the ORS baking soda scalp cleanser but I still have a little bit of flaking. Can this be clogging my pores or is it cleansing. Any Surge users out there that can explain the benefits of this???

I have never had dandruff and I don't think this is dandruff, it looks like skin (scabs:barf: )


OOOoooh. Their website said something about this side effect. I just started using it myself. If that happens to me, especially any scabbing or burning. I think I will stop using it. Best wishes, Trimbride.
OMG, I used Surge too and the skin on and around my ears started to peel. I didn't know what was going on and I have been looking for an answer since. I feel so much better now knowing that I don't have some kind of weird skin disease or something :eek:)