Surge or Emu oil?


New Member
I'm thinking of buying either surge or emu oil. I'm looking for something to stimulate growth and I've heard both of these products can do this. Which do you think I should try?
Has anyone here used emu oil & what were the results?
Well, I don't know much about the EMU oil but I do know that there have been a couple of threads on them here so I would definitely do a search were I you. I can, however, testify to the effectiveness of SURGE. I use SURGE, somewhat sporatically, I might add, and my hair is really coming in. I don't have any balding or thin spots in my hair, but the SURGE Revitilizer 14 (or whatever it's called) has allowed my one weak area (left temple) to strengthen and thicken up. I am using it on my mother (both of her sides are almost completely clean) and it is just growing. My mother is THE WORLD'S BIGGEST PESSIMIST and even now I see her faithfully SURGING her hair at night before going to bed. So do a search for the EMU OIL but regardless of the info that you come up w/, do not let that stop you from buying the SURGE!!!!
I'm not aware that emu oil "grows" hair. I think it is a great moisturizer and people use it as a carrier oil because it is able to penentrate deep into your scalp/skin... I've been meaning to put some emu oil in my surge14/rosemary bottle just as an experiment to see if I get faster growth because the surge and rosemary should penetrate deeper when used with emu...
I've heard that emu oil stimulates growyh as well. I bought some used it and can't tell if it has helped me. It was expensive $19.99 for a 4oz bottle.I don't know if I'll purchase it again.
I think you should do both. This doesn't have to be an either or, since one is a protein and the other is an essential oil. I would mix the emu oil with a carier oil, surge, and then moisturize with your oils. HTH