Surge-Neck Rash!!!


Well-Known Member
I used Surge 14 Spray about 2-3 weeks ago and discontinued use because I started to get icky scalp flaking. I know a good bit of it dripped down into my neck area. I now have a huge dry patch/rash on my neck and shoulders. I must have an extreme reaction to this stuff. Ladies if you haven't tried this I suggest doing a patch test for at least a week instead of 24 hours like I did. I am now treating this with Hydrocortizone and aquaphor. My scalp has improved 100% thanks to ORS uplifting shampoo and discontinued use.

Just a word of caution.
Many ladies experienced this problem. When I was using surged, I did fine with the first bottle because I mixed it with Rosemary. I used the second bottle straight, without mixing, I ended up with sore scalp.
When I used surge my hair broke off badly and that was after one use. Some ladies here rave about how good it is but doing a patch test can save you time and stress. Different products work differently on people