Surge & Free stuff


Well-Known Member
I've been looking for surge in my area, and to my dismay, I couldn't get my hands on any. I called Surge's customer number; the guy gave me some numbers of local places to call to get the product. He told me to call him back if none of the places carried the product. Okay, so I called the places, and they didn't have any. I called him back, and he said he would send me some samples. I got my samples the other day---2 full-size bottles of the spray and the cream for free
. I haven't tried the product yet, but I'm pleased with the company's customer skills. THe bottles came in a matter of days through UPS. THe guy I talked to with the company said they would try talking with some of the places in my area to see if they can get the beauty stores to pick up the product.

Okay, after talking to the guy on the phone, I went to my local Walgreens. I told them I was looking for the product, and I noticed they didn't have it on the shelves, but the product is in their warehouse. After a lot of grief, the manager agreed to order some bottles (2) for me. I should pick them up Friday, so I only had to wait about a week. My wait was a little longer because of the holidays.

In the future though, I'll probably pay the $5 shipping rather than fooling with my local Walgreens, but I just wanted to tell y'all that the Surge people are very helpful, so don't hesitate to call.
Gon' with your free Surge!

This is the 2nd post I've read about Walgreens giving people a hard time about ordering Surge. I wonder what their problem is?
sassygirl125 said:
Gon' with your free Surge!

This is the 2nd post I've read about Walgreens giving people a hard time about ordering Surge. I wonder what their problem is?

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I don't think it's Walgreens in general, but rather, it's their managers. THe guy I talked to was really short (5'5 or something like that), and he acted like he had to look down his nose at others in order to look/feel important. He seemed like a jerk. Like I said, I'd rather pay the shipping then have to ask for "favors" from a man who's barely taller than me.
I called the Surge people as well yesterday. They were able to give me a few places in an area that I normally frequent. One of the places he gave me I had just called prior to calling him and was told they didn't carry it. Mr. Lee (Surge rep) reassured me that they did carry it because his records indicated they received a shipment last month. He requested that I call them back and give them the parent company name and that I had talked with him. He said the product is still new to many and they might know it by name. He said that if I still had a problem to let him know and he would call them. To make a not so long story shorter, I called the bss back and spoke with the manager, he pulled his records and they did have it.

Customer service at Surge.

<<< I purchased the revitalizer +14 and the oil>>>
They have surge in New Orleans, and in Boutte. The hair shop I mentioned just ordered 12 bottles. I bought two. I bought one for my mother in law and one for myself. They sell the bottles here for 5.99 though.

The customer service of Surge is on point. I don't know if it is the same guy who answers the phone, but he is nice, and very helpful. So far so good with customer service!
I tell you what, Walgreens' customer service is awful. I thought I'd be picking up my Surge today (Friday) from there because they ordered some for me last Thursday. Okay, here's the story: the Surge came in on their truck Tuesday, but no one has unpacked the crates yet, so I might not get it, until next week.

Yes, they got the product in quickly, and I didn't have to pay shipping, but it's taking them forever to get the product to me, and when I go to the store to ask about the product they ordered for me, they try to brush me off
. Thank goodness for the guy at the Surge company; if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have any Surge right now. After this is cleared up, I'll never step foot in that Walgreens again---
I called Surge today and spoke to someone named Don. I was looking for places to buy it in Connecticut so that my mother can start using it. He gave me the number to the Connecticut distributor who only knew of one store that had it (which wasn't close enough). I called Don back like he asked and then he told me that couldn't be right but to give him the name and numbers of some beauty supplies in that area. He took my name, number, and address and said it would take an hour but he never called back. I guess I am going to have to call back or just pick some up in NY.

Also I have experienced the hassle with Walgreens. It's like the managers are too lazy to get off their butts and place an order.

While on the phone he did tell me that they were trying to work out something with Sally's but the process with big store chains are slow. He said they should have a much wider distribution by spring.
Don called me back today. He said that they contact some beauty supplies in my area and that they agreed to carry surge but that the process would take a couple of weeks. He said that he didn't want me to wait, so he would send me a free gift of samples. Talking with surge was much better than talking with Walgreens. Don said that he would handle everything personally. The only problem was that he wasn't able to give me was a list of the stores he spoke to because he said that he didn't actually dial the number. That makes it another hunt. I think NY is my best bet. But I might still look around in CT next year or call for the list.
I'm gonna call them on Monday to see if they can hook a sista up...:D
I can't find any where I live, but Mr. Lee, a rep, told me if I had problems call him back and he would see what he could do. So, I'm hoping he will give me some for free too. That would be awesome. But I want to buy several bottles to take with me, so I guess 4 or 5 bottles should work. I don't care about the cost at this point, I'd rather spend money on something that works than to keep wasting money on junk that doesn't.

Thanks to you ladies for letting us know about Surge. Much love to each of you
diamond_nh said:
Talking with surge was much better than talking with Walgreens.

[/ QUOTE ]

Isn't that the truth. My husband went to Walgreens today (Saturday) to look for my ordered Surge, and they still haven't unpacked the crates. For those who haven't read the above posts, the Surge arrived at Walgreens on Tuesday, and here it is Saturday, and they haven't gotten around to unpacking the products that were shipped. For anyone who wants this product, go to your beauty supply store to look for it, or order it on-line; I wouldn't advise anyone to count on Walgreens' managers.
Getting it from a Walgreens that doesn't carry it is definitely not an option for me because I wouldn't want to go through the hassle every time I want to buy some. I am waiting for the Walgreens I asked to call me and let me know if they can even get it. They said that they ordered it but are not sure that it will even come in. You would think that they would want the money. I am sure other people would buy it if they saw it. On the Surge website, it says that it is sold in CVS and RiteAid has anyone seen it there yet?

BTW I tried calling some of the bss in my part of CT to see if the surge company called them but everyone that I called said no. So I have no idea which ones they contacted.
Cybra you should definitely call. Whatever they send me should tie me over until I get a chance to go to bss in brooklyn.