I know someone has posted this before, but just reminding you all who are still ordering Surge online--

The Surge rep. stated that if your local Walgreens does not have it in stock, they can order it from Walgreens Headquarters and the shipment should arrive in the store within 3 days. So, before you order online, try asking the Manager to order it for you. It will save you $5 on shipping and handling and you will probably get it a lot sooner then if you order it yourself.

Some of the ladies have already successfully done this!!!
Thanks for the tip!!! I just called a Walgreens in CT to get some because I don't know when I will be in NY. The guy basically told me he can't order it. But then I was persistent and he said ok he needs a order number. I told him I would call back and I checked the net but didn't find one. But I called back anyway and spoke to another guy and he put in the order for 6 bottles but said they probably won't come until January 8th. He said that he can't guarantee that they are going to come but took my number so he could call if they came or are not going to come. He also said he would check with other walgreens.

I am glad I just made a phone call because it isn't worth the hassle that they gave me when I know that I can get when I go back to NY. Also they kept repeating that their store doesn't carry it and they don't know if they have any in the warehouse. So I know I am going to get it in elsewhere because I am not going to keep telling them to order it to go through this. I just forgot to get it the last time I went to the bss.

I am glad you ladies are having better luck with your local Walgreens. Hopefully it will come but I plan on getting it before then when I go home.
Yeah, thanks for the information, because I hadn't seen thatpost before...wish I had known this earlier before I just ordered a bunch through Walgreens web site!

But now I know for next time!