SURGE done made me MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member

I have not been diagnosed with trichotillomania (obsessive compulsive desire to pull out hair)...but I do have a SERIOUS case of "hand in fro" disease...

It is SO BAD...I now have a pinched nerve in my left shoulder...because that arm is constantly up in the air with my hand in my hair feeling my coils and curls and fuzzies...When my thumb goes numb...I put my arm down and let it rest...


I began using the Surge...a week ago today...and one of the great rewards (if you can call it that) of hand in fro disease is pulling out one of those dreaded shedded know...the one with the white bulb (have you ever put one of those under a microscope...I digress)...

Well...since the SURGE...

NO MORE HAIRS COME OUT...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Where is my reward!!!!!!!!??????
I know what you are saying... I do the same thing when my hair is down or in a loose ponytail. However, your confession is proof that Surge works! I'm gonna check my local Walgreens for a bottle. Thanks for posting!
I suffer from the same disease and the Surge helps with stengthening hair as well. I now can get the hair on my crown to reach to my mouth....and I'm Natural!! Don't know if it's the Surge or not, but I am really pleased with how my hair is progressing...
I'm going to stick with it...but if I have no hair coming out...I just dont know what I will do...

Well at least I have my coils to twist and twirl...but finding one of those is like finding 500 needles in a haystack...

Well at least I now know that the bottle did not lie when it said it will strengthen your hair and stop breakage and shedding...

The pessimist in me is still waiting for the other shoe to drop..I need to talk to someone who has been using this a you still have both eyes? may have longer hair...but I dont want to wake up and have my hair choking me in my sleep either....SHOW ME A PICTURE!!! Do you look like a Chia Pet?

Ok...I will calm down...but you know how stuff is...if it seems to good to be probably I am just amazed that this works!!!!
pookeylou said:

The pessimist in me is still waiting for the other shoe to drop..I need to talk to someone who has been using this a you still have both eyes? may have longer hair...but I dont want to wake up and have my hair choking me in my sleep either....SHOW ME A PICTURE!!! Do you look like a Chia Pet?

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pookeylou, a lot of posts of yours done made me laugh over and over the last few days!

Keep your great sense of humor, girl!
Ok yall...I just told Spagirl...that I have been spraying that stuff over my whole head...but I am thinking that maybe that might not be a good idea...

I am sure that I get some of that stuff on my face...and if I develope a UNIBROW...then I am going to the Surge Headquarters with a SuperSoaker water gun filled with Surge and every one will get soaked until they start looking like Chubaca from Star Wars...

My hairline has a clear peach fuzz from where it was clearly BALD a WEEK AGO!!!!!

This is just amazing me that this stuff works!
Now dont yall let me be the only one growing hair on my back and knuckles...if yall are having a negative reaction to this stuff...TELL ME!!!!
I wish I could find surge. Its no where to be found in California
Stylepink said:
I wish I could find surge. Its no where to be found in California

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Aren't you going to order online???? *looks confused*

This might help strengthen my demarcation line
.... this is a protein based product, right

I saw a shelf full of it here in Cleveland (Walgreens).... might hafta' look into this
I need someone to help me with PaintShop...I need to know how to post my before and after pics...

Yall are going to think I got hairplugs when you see these...
"The pessimist in me is still waiting for the other shoe to drop..I need to talk to someone who has been using this a you still have both eyes? may have longer hair...but I dont want to wake up and have my hair choking me in my sleep either....SHOW ME A PICTURE!!! Do you look like a Chia Pet?"

Yeah Pokeylou, I know what you mean. I am not a product junky, but I finally broke down and got some Surge. Been using it for 1 week, and I can't believe that stuff has made my hair stronger, thicker and and less prone to breakage. There has got to be a catch!
With all of this hype, I just ordered a bottle of surge online. I'll post my results after I start using it.
Yeah it like a hawk...I am telling you that all us SURGERS are going to wake up one morning...either bald as one of the tires on my DH's Crown Victoria...or we are all going to look like "Wolf" people and the only job we will get is in a Carnival...

Just keep a copy of your reciept and keep a case we all have to join some kind of class action lawsuit...
pookeylou said:
Just keep a copy of your reciept and keep a case we all have to join some kind of class action lawsuit...

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Darn right!