Surge causing breakage and shedding?


New Member
Well, is it???? I'm not positive yet, but I believe that I started shedding and now breaking when I started using the Surge. I hate to drag it out trying to make darn sure, but I'm wondering if I need to just nix this surge thing. Any other experiencing/experienced something negative from Surge? Please, let me know. I've got two bottles and it looks like I may call it quits...
uh oh this is not good? is surge supposed to be used alone or with some other type of product? God bless you all.
Surge has protein which as we all know can make hair hard. I seal my Surge with S-curl, you know -- for moisture. I don't put it on the length of my hair, I spray it on the scalp only. My hair is so fragile that I wont risk it on my strands.
I only aim for the scalp. I know the bottle says you can use it as a leave in or a detangler, but the company representative I spoke with stated "use only on the scalp." I would not saturate my hair with this product, its just too much protein. But everyone's hair is different. I just slice my hair into about 10 sections and pump twice on each section. I then smooth the liquid onto the entire length of the part. I seal it with jojoba and/or UBH lotion.

I haven't experienced breakage or shedding, but if I did, I would stop using the product.
I don't spray it on my hair. Just my scalp and I'm very pleased with the results.
if you use it on both, i'd just say to make sure you put extra moisture on your ends because of the protein. hmm... how about doing the Vaseline challenge...
I'm using the surge with LOTS of scurl ANNNNNNNDDDDDDDDd vaseline. There may be *some* breakage (1 maybe 2 broken hairs after I work the vaseline off of my hands and into my hair), but it's the shedding that's really getting to me. Why would I start shedding??
A few things popped into my head.

When was the last time you had a touchup?

Also, supposedly this product causes a surge of growth. If this is in fact true, what this could mean is that it is forcing the follicles to release the hair that is in the resting stage (shedding) so that new strands can grow in.
I have been using the surge for ten days now and i must say that my hair feels so much stronger and it's definately growing. I only put it on my roots only twice a day (morning and night). I also but a little oil on my ends during the day/use my ic hair polisher
Well, I must be Surge crazy because I spray it on my scalp and hair every single day, and I have no problems thus far with it. Ive been using it since 11/2 and I love what it is doing. BUT, I also seal it with either the oil that it goes with, jojoba oil or my shea butter/olive oil mixture, plus I spritz with distilled water all over my head and ends 2 to 3 times a day especially before I use the Surge. My hair feels thicker and stronger and when I tug on it virtually nothing comes out. When I wash, less hair comes out when I use it as a detangler too. I love this product so much, every time I see it, I buy one just to have as many extra bottles as possible. But after this month's challenge, I will probably use it once every other day, because you just never know what can happen. Just cause things appear great now doesnt mean it cant all go wrong
I spray SURGE on my scalp twice a day and once daily on my
hair and I use the #9 lotion motion oil afterward and I
have not had any breakage or shedding infact I have less
shedding and hair seems to be getting stronger.
what the heck is surge? what does it do and does anyone have a pic of what it is? where do you get it? thanks.
I do exactly the same Labett!

I used heat for the first time in about a month (flat iron only ) to see the lenght and I'm not complaing one bit. Even my daughter noticed the diffrence. Yet I'm not saying that it was the Surge alone, vitamins, condition washes (GPB), oils with distilled water, and supplements helped too.
Much new growth and I can comb thru with no trouble, THANKS LHCF!

LABETT said:
I spray SURGE on my scalp twice a day and once daily on my
hair and I use the #9 lotion motion oil afterward and I
have not had any breakage or shedding infact I have less
shedding and hair seems to be getting stronger.

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