Surge and WGHO


Well-Known Member
I put plats in my hair last night and sprayed on some surge then went to bed. Now this morning I just sprayed a lil more surge on my scalp and then I applied some WGHO to my scalp. My question is has anyone who uses both surge and WGHO, do you experience he clumpy oily feeling afterwards?
i have never used them together cuz i found out about them at different times...WGO first and i had to lay off cuz it caused bubble up scalp and later the surge caused big daddy monster flakes lol...i hope this is what u mean by clumpy oily feeling...maybe u should alternate between weeks of what u will use..both of these products r potent
I use Surge and WGHO together with no oily clumpiness. First I put the Surge on my scalp followed by the oil, then i rub it in to my scalp and roots. If its clumping, try using less of the WGHO and see if that helps.
I use both surge and wgo 2x a day and don't experience any type of build up and with the surge I don't experience any of the flakes anyone else say they get.
LAINA7777 said:
I use both surge and wgo 2x a day and don't experience any type of build up and with the surge I don't experience any of the flakes anyone else say they get.
same here i have had no problems...i stopped using WGHO when i ran out ...but when i did use it i applied the surge and wgho on my scalp at the same time
I use both Surge 14 and WGO together all the time. I mix both in an applicator bottle with a pointed top. (I think it is an old Doo Gro bottle.) That way I can apply both products at once. It moisturizes the Surge and cuts the thickness of the WGO.
carolina, does it dminish the effectiveness of the surge? i'm currently wearing cornrows, so i apply surge with a q-tip along the parts and my hairline. then i mix wgho and castor oil in a little cap and i put that over the parts. does anyone know if i can just mix the three together without losing the effect of the surge?
I used WGO after surge and I have never had any problem. Every other day I use 1. surge 2. unbraid/scurl texturizer spray mix and then 3. WGO and my hais is soft for days :)
I only used straight Surge for about a week when I fitst heard about it. Since I was worried about flaking and scalp issues, I mixed with WHO. I haven't had any problems and I see remarkable growth from the mixture.
I currently use them together. I to put them in a applicator bottle and other oils for a thicker consistency. I have been doing this for about a month without any problems with clumpy oiliness.

My hair likes the combo too.
I CO wash every two days in the winter and every other day when it's warmer outside, so I've not had problems with flakes and buildup. These two make a good combination. I use the WGO on my scalp three times per week but I use it on my ends every day. Hope this helps.
SexySin985 said:
I put plats in my hair last night and sprayed on some surge then went to bed. Now this morning I just sprayed a lil more surge on my scalp and then I applied some WGHO to my scalp. My question is has anyone who uses both surge and WGHO, do you experience he clumpy oily feeling afterwards?

I used to get that all the time! When I go to Jamaica, I always do my hair in two plaits, one on either side. I do the exact same thing you do, and I always get clumps. I've found that when I let my hair dry before adding Surge, it's not so clumpy.
DangerouslyShy said:
same here i have had no problems...i stopped using WGHO when i ran out ...but when i did use it i applied the surge and wgho on my scalp at the same time

Same here. when I ran out I stpped using it. I'm still using the surge without any problems now.:cool:
Well yesterday I did have some clumps I think it was becuase I just dumped it in there. I mixed the surge in the WGO bottle. I applied again last night and was sure to rub it in good. If I don't I think it just sit in my new growth.