Super Healthy Ends Challenge.


Positive Vibrations
Hey Ladies, I read countless pages of threads and I didn't see a challenge completely dedicated to your ends (If there is one, please let me know) because I know sometimes we (including myself) tend to forget our ends a little. I noticed when I stopped combing my ends so much and only dusted and cut out heat almost entirely, my end became full and blunt and virtually split end free. So I was wondering if any of ya'll would be interested in a challenge for the ends? It will last a total of 7 months and I think it'll benefit us all?!


Baby your ends (Moisturize and seal WHENEVER they feel dry)
Low Manipulation (Try not to comb them too much, but do what works)
Limit the heat (This may not be the case for everyone, do what works)
Protect them (Especially if you're at a vulnerable length)


May 1-December 1 2009
No Picture required if you don't want to, just checking in>>>>>>
(1x monthly or more)

Thanks Ladies!


-taz007 -hotmommak
-Cream Tee
-Pixel Lady
-Highly Favored8
-qt pie
-aloha bef
-Stella B.
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I'm in, transitioning currently 26 weeks post; I'm in the wig challenge and cornrow my hair under the wig, I seal my ends with castor oil daily; any other suggestions would be great.
Oooh!! This is a good challenge, I want in! I am going to get my end trimmed sometime before the end of this month. I'm long over due. In my experience. A trim here and there is a vital part of keeping healthy ends. The frequency depends on how often my hair is worn out and how much heat I'm using.
Oooh, I want to join this challenge. For the most part, I keep my hair braided under my wig & sealed w/ castor oil but they still feel a little drier than I'd like them to be. I've upped my protein usage & I now do an ACV rinse everytime I wash my hair, so maybe I'll feel some moisture coming to my ends soon.
Oh gosh, I am in there like swimwear. My ends are giving me the side-eye.

I need a new camera so no progress pics till then. Hopefully I can get one soon.
Im definitely in!

I just cut my ends yesterday for the first time since taking care of my hair. They look so lovely right now and I want to keep them this way.
I'm so in! When I relaxed after a 4 month stretch in January I was not happy with my ends. I'm sure they were damaged when I started this journey. So I've been babying them this stretch and I hope that helps.

Baby your ends (Moisturize and seal WHENEVER they feel dry)
Low Manipulation (Try not to comb them too much, but do what works)
Limit the heat (This may not be the case for everyone, do what works)
Protect them (Especially if you're at a vulnerable length)

LAWD.....Help me, but...I'm in!
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Count me in, I'll post pics when the challenge officially starts. My ends are keeping me from reaching my goal:(, so I need this...
great idea! i am SO in! i'm not letting that man chop off another 2"!!!

i'm on the quest for a great moisturizer for when i opt to air dry, which will be once a week as the weather gets warmer. just bought mixed chicks leave in... and I'll seal with EVOO and eventually castor oil if i can find it.... i'll keep my hair in a bun and my ends will be tucked in at all times.

i roller set on saturdays or sundays, and wrap the hair after. no flat iron! i'll keep my hair in protective styles. usually a hair claw or a bun or something... i will only wear my hair out for a special occasion, maybe on a night out. i'm aiming to keep my hair in a protective style 85% of the time. I probably keep my hair up 50% of the time now.

I'm not a fan of the "trim" but either i will learn to dust my hair myself or i will go to supercuts where the stylist will be afraid that i will cut them if they don't do what i say. :D

my most recent pic is my avatar.