SunSilk products on sale at CVS

I used the Sunsilk Hydra TLC Multi-Symptom Masque (pink jar), and it was just "okay" for me. My hair felt somewhat stronger, but the conditioner wasn't as hydrating as I expected. I will try mixing it w/Silicon Mix the next time I deep condition and see if that gives it a little "umph". :) Unfortunately, it looks like all the other conditioners in the Sunsilk line have petroleum and/or mineral oil, so I will leave those alone.
I also purchased the pink jar Hyrda TLC from Wally World, have not used yet. I will post saturday my results. I will use this as a prepoo mixed with coconut oil, castor oil, and tab bit more of glycerin. I have recently relaxed 4a/b coming from a transitoning stage (i thought I cld do it) I was 7mths post relaxer. I have major shedding, long strands with white bulbs.

Dont have a digi cam yet, but I went to the DL OFFICE and got a new pic tooken for my license. My hair came to my collar bone, but due to shedding mainly and breakage it's not the same. My ends are raggedy, I refuse to cut! I dont care for the aesthic visual of even hair. I need to feel security that it's growing---lol. I think my ends are ugly, because during my 7mth transition, I would cornrow my hair and wig it, well there was plenty of times I had the fuzzy cornrows and I didn't tie my rows down at night, EVER.

Also my hair is uneven, because I had to do a mc (mini-chop) because the relaxed ends (somewhere in top middle of my crown) got serverly tangled in the new growth. Prior to relaxing when I did the mc, the girl who did my cornrows couldn't tell and didn't have a problem braiding my hair. That was a good sign. I cut a lot of hair out! So now that it's relaxed the part I mc'ed stops just past my the top half of my ear.

Anyhow my timelime is:
Last relaxer when transition began was 9/05
Began wearing wigs and rows. Did weekly co-washes and deep conditoned everytime as well. Scurl for daily moisture. Olive Oil, Coconut oil to seal moisture.

Do to lack of having to deal with my natural hair decided on 6/25/06 to go back to the chemicals. My aunt used dudley's regular lye relaxer on me. She got it bone str8.

My hair wld not hold a curl or bend using my ceramic flight iron, so I wore a staright flat wrap. I wld just use scurl and a bit of oil to seal it. That made my hair suck up all the moisture and it wld just feel damp and wet then thru out the day it wld become dry and poofy.

So for about 3 weeks or so my air wld look half ass cute and as it dried out look dry and puffy--poofy.

So I took my Africa's Best hair mayo, I have ORS to, but on my first pj run picked up the wrong stuff. Anyhow I mixed Africa's hair mayo, along with EEVO, CoConut Oil, and Castor Oil on my dry hair. Slapped a plastic cap on a went to sleep for about 4hrs.

I let my hair air dry. I then used a blow dryer, but I held it over my head and used a widetooth comb thru go thru my hair to get the damp sections. I used ntm leave in and frizz something in my hair b4 I below dry.

Then I used my andis cermaic set on 5 with the ntm serum. My hair was SWANGIN with the lenght I work it with. And in the 1st 3 weeks I had curl/bends thru my hair!!!!! YAY ME.

But as u can see I have to work on the heat thing, I dont do it daily, but I still do it too much.

Before the wigs I was and still am a Chronic weave wearer! What can I say I love fake hair. It do what, it does and u can str8 beat it up and heat it up!!!! But then I go months with feeling my hair, giving it tlc, wondering how long is it now, wanting to be more flexible with my hair. It's a vicous cycle, but at the end of the day I have a sew-in...LOL

So due to shedding and issues with keep the heat out my hair I will either in Sept or Oct go with a sew-in weave!

WoW!!! I said a mouthful. I'm a big time lurker!!!!!
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Has anyone tried the straighten out products? I bought the 24/7 cream and used it on dry hair and it made it soft, but the true test will be when I apply it tomorrow and see if its still soft when I get off of work. I also got the pink mask.

ETA: Traded the straighten out cream for the Anti-Esponja. Sitting with mask in my hair now.
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