Sunsilk Captivating Curls-Anyone tried it?


Well-Known Member
I bought this yesterday to see how it would b for my wash n go. It is supposed to be a mix of gel and cream for soft well defined curls that last. Has anyone tried this line?

I only saw the styling cream so I'm not sure if there is shampoo and condish. I'm going to try it today and see how I like it.
I haven't tried this product, but I absolutely love Sunsilk Straighten Up. Please let us know how you like this. :grin:
The hydrating TLC is supposed to be a conditioner and jel. Its in the pink bottle. I used this for a wash and go and my hair was soft, moisturized, and puuurty.
hey, i dont mean to hyjack this thread, BUT....i was using Sedal for a while (its the spanish version of sunsilk - same looking bottle, same ingredients, etc) and i thought it was the greatest thing on the planet. but i noticed ALOT of shedding. i thought it was just my hair and i had 'bad hair' but since i've STOPPED using it, the problem has stopped. Anyone else experienced more shedding with a wash-and-go using sunsilk products?
I haven't had any problems with shedding. I like the hydra and straighten up. The only thing is that I do believe my hair can get "tired" of the cones if that makes any sense (I chelated last wash). I loooove this product. But using it a lot, I have noticed that I now need to moisturize even more. So I learned my lesson with using a lot of cones. I will still use my baby sunsilk, but just rotate it with a product that doesn't have as many cones.
I tried it and it was ok. My hair seemed fuller but not as defined as with my john frieda gel/fantasia IC mix. My hair was also hard when it dried and had more shrinkage. I will probably use it more for puffs than wash n gos