Sunday Tomfoolery - Woman Fed Up Of Dating Says She Has Married A Ghost


Kinky Coily 4A, Fine Strands, WSL

Are you sick of dating humans, only for your romantic escapades to end in inevitable, crushing heartbreak? Well, maybe you should follow Amanda Teague’s lead by ditching living, breathing people and getting hitched to a ghost instead. Student's math homework sounds exactly like Star Wars Cantina theme song In some ways, the relationship between the 45-year-old and her husband Jack is fairly normal. After all, they go on dates together, sometimes have arguments, and have a healthy sex life. The fact that Jack died almost 300 years ago barely affects their marriage at all.


Amanda, a female Jack Sparrow impersonator, had five children with her human ex-husband, but said she has never been able to connect with anyone like her husband Jack. Although she has never seen Jack’s physical form, Amanda said he was a Haitian pirate, who told her he is black with jet black hair, and was executed for his crimes in the 1700s. Amanda, from Downpatrick in Northern Ireland, believes their pirate connection is what brought them together – first as friends before she developed ‘strong loving feelings’ towards him. She said: ‘We became really close, the more I learnt about him, the more I liked him. ‘One day he said to me ‘We can actually be together you know’ but I had never heard of an intimate relationship between a spirit and a human before.


‘I did some research and found out that it is a real thing and there are lots of people in spiritual relationships, but not many people like to talk about it.’ Jack, who never married during his life according to Amanda, is a powerful spirit who can turn stereos and lights on and off, and move things. Amanda claimed her family has been entirely supportive of their relationship, which took the next step when Jack proposed, she said. She added: ‘I told him I wasn’t really cool with having casual sex with a spirit and I wanted us to make a proper commitment to each other. ‘If I am going to be in a long-term relationship with somebody I have the right to be married.


‘I wanted the big traditional wedding with the white dress, it was very important to me.’ For their wedding, the couple ventured into international waters where their union would be legal, on a boat that allowed 12 of their closest friends and family on board for the ceremony. They used a medium to allow Jack to say ‘I do’, and used a skull and crossbones flag to represent him. And if you’re still on the fence about finding a ghost lover, Amanda explained that sex with a spirit is surprisingly similar to sex with a human. She added: ‘It is well known that people often feel a spirit touch their hands, their face or their hair. ‘The only difference with having a sexual relationship with a spirit is obviously that sense of touch goes a lot deeper. ‘You can literally feel the physical act of what the spirit is doing to you, and the spirit can feel it too.’

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I'd have my mother evaluated if she started talking about this. Why is her family supporting her? I can't.
‘I wanted the big traditional wedding with the white dress, it was very important to me.’ For their wedding, the couple ventured into international waters where their union would be legal, on a boat that allowed 12 of their closest friends and family on board for the ceremony.

I'd have my mother evaluated if she started talking about this. Why is her family supporting her? I can't.
Who did he invite?

I would have a family member committed if they were serious about this
This reminds me of a book I read a long time ago. Maybe 20 years ago. The author (a Black woman) wrote books that touched on the supernatural and the female protagonist had a relationship with a spirit. I remember her being in a pool and feeling aroused enjoying her imagination and then realizing that what she was feeling was real and being scared out of her mind. I think they went on to have relations later in the book. If I can remember the name of it I’m going to reread that book. It was pretty good.

ETA: I think the protagonist’s name may have been Lena. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
A book with a sista???? I can't
This should be the next book club selection. :lachen:

I wonder if I’d still find it entertaining. A previous book by the same author focused on Lena’s connection with the spirit world. I think she was born with a veil. Having read that first and being impressed with the author, I read the other book. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have read it otherwise because it sounds crazy as heck.
What kind of Haitian pirate is named Jack?

Jacques maybe but I this Jack dude is lying to her. Does she speak French? How does she communicate with him? So she's saying that 1700s Pirate Jack told her he was a black Haitian. Nah, not buying it.
Yep, they free.

I’m putting my bid in for Marvin Gaye. I don’t usually go for older men but I’m thinking he’s probably young by ghost standards.
Girl dont do it... unless of course you want to see some of your underwear and clothes missing every now and then. Also you dont want to wake up with black eyes and busted lips. Just sayin'

And since we are getting ghost husbands....I'll take a ghost side piece my eye on a few. Will be back with my pick.