summer hair care, what are your plans/thoughts


New Member
How many of you change your regimen for summer care?

Do you include factors like swimming and chlorine into it?

My family and I go swimming everyday - almost- during the summer. So I have to take that into account when I figure out what I'm going to do with my head this summer. Both my girls are in swim classes. With my 21 month old, I have to be in the water with her. And we have a pool in our yard, so I swim a lot.
And we keep our water chlorinated, heavily (it's a man thang - my hubby is so macho).

In the past, it's not been a problem. I buy bottles and bottle worth of Ultra Swim conditioner for our heads. But this year, I'm transitioning, and doing henna treatments on me and my oldest of 5.

What reactions does anyone know about between chlorine and henna that I have to look out for. I would hate to get wonderful results from the henna, only to see my hair turn green or fall out when I hit the pool.

Thanks in advance for any discussion on this thread.

I would like suggestions on what to do with relaxed hair on a person who swims. My daughter will be going to summer camp and will be in the pool a lot this summer. Last summer we had a hair disaster because she was using gel and brushing her hair back every day, and it all broke off on the sides!!
I would like to avoid that happening again this summer.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
This summer, I am going to go more with natural styles, rather than curl this, pin that, blowdry this, flat iron that. I'll wet it everyday, and call it a day! I'm also considering adding falls to my hair supply list. And maybe a wig or two, depending on how hot it is.

As for the swimming situation, I have no idea.
I'm going to rinse my hair everyday and wash 2 or 3 times a week. I'm also going to wear my hair in a curly ponytail on the top of my head. That way, I won't have any annoying hair in my face when I sweat.

I always saturate my hair in a moisturizing conditioner and then put on the tightest swimming cap whenever I go swimming in a chlorine filled pool. I always wash my hair whenever I get out of the pool with either a moisturizing shampoo or a conditioner wash.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Crysdon said:
I always saturate my hair in a moisturizing conditioner and then put on the tightest swimming cap whenever I go swimming in a chlorine filled pool.

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That sound good, Crysdon, but my 13 yr. old daughter would NEVER go for wearing any kind of swimming cap!!!
I haven't gone swimming in ages, but I really like Crysdon's suggestion. Bathing caps are very important to protect the hair as much as possible. This is the same for both chlorine water and saltwater.

For summer hair styles, I will be washing my hair more often and wearing it up or in braidouts and wash and go styles. I will also try a straw set and twists.
Tell her it'll change her hair orange if she keeps it up.

Maybe you could help her pick out a swimming cap at one of the sporting goods stores. They have some really cute ones and not just the plain blah ones we had as kids.
lol, i won't wear a swimming cap either. i will be on the beach this year and in the morning before i go i just wet my hair and slather it with a thick conditioner mixed with avocado or olive or coconut oil. then comb it thru and put it in a bun. that's it. in the evening i will rinse it and then oil it. every three or four days i will wash it with shampoo.
for the summer in general i just continue doing what i'm doing right now, moisturize my hair and wear it in protective styles. can't go wrong with that.
Curls, curls, curls.

Washing once a week - rinsing and Conditioner washing daily or every other day.

Lots of CFC and jojoba and sunshine....

For me, everday conditioner washes, moisturize, put my hair in protective styles, braids, and to protect from the sun, a wide brim hat. I may consider jumping in the pool with my hair slathered with conditioner, and as mentioned, the tightest swim cap possible. Oh, another thing, wigs, wigs, and more wigs!

My plan is to wash every 3 days &amp; wear a braid out to hopefully achieve a curly look. I was just telling my daughter earlier tonight, I've always loved the unruly curl look as I've always been somewhat a free spirit. My daughter on the other hand, goes into shock if one strand on her head is out of place.