Summer 2006 Challenge: Ultra Hair Thick Shake


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to try this for awhile:

*click on link to see the vitamins and ingredients it has*

I've read a lot of good reviews for this. And supposedly it's really tasty and can be mixed with many different fruits or drinks.
LHCF thread:

So when I finally leave college for summer vacation, I'm going to buy this and drink it every other day while taking my multi-vitamins (everyday). I'll probably add hair vitamins to my regimen again... but only until I consistently increase my water intake.

Is there anyone else who wants to join me?

I am going to start as soon as I get home, which is May 9th.
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Oh come on... no one else in this entire forum wants to try it?

Hmph. I guess I'll be on my own then.
Hmm, you can only get it at Vitamin Shoppe? Maybe you could bump up some threads or links to get some incentive going....
i love this stuff, makes my hair uber thick, can't comment on growth per say, but it does thicken you hair considerably
I am interested because it sounds like it has the daily values of the vitamins i am looking for like B12 ,Iron ,Zinc and Biotin . what do you mix it with?
I'll join you, but I can't start until the 17th. So I'll check in then. I heard it's nasty:ohwell: , but also that it does produce great results. See you then.
Sorry ladies! I've been busy with my final exams and didn't see these responses!

Where to purchase the shake:

What to mix it with: vanilla soy milk, milk, vanilla extract, orange juice (supposedly it tastes like "orange sherbert ice cream"), mangos, strawberries and even chocolate. It is said to be a faint vanilla taste so there are a lot of options. After reading many threads it seems like vanilla soy milk or regular milk (with nutmeg or vanilla extract is another option) seems to be a favorite.

***I read that it is best to use a shaker cup/glass or some type of blender or mixer... (i'm probably going to buy a hand held one like this: but GNC sells them as well) However, if you stir it by hand there may be lumps in the drink... ***

Here's a very informative UHTS thread:
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I still have some left...for some reason I haven't been consistent with it lately. I'm going to take it indefinitely though. You can count me in. I like mixing mine with milk. I don't prefer mixing it with regular orange juice though because it is too sweet. I do like to mix it with an orange breakfast drink which is slightly different and it does indeed taste like orange sherbert. I prefer milk. I used to mix it with honey and cinnamon but I find that plain milk is just fine. I love the tastes better than most protein shakes, in my opinion. I will probably start taking it a little before May 9th though.

Edited: YES, it is much better that you mix it with a blender. I haven't used a shaker but the blender ensures that everything is well blended...because it can clump together...

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Lanelle said:
I like mixing mine with milk. it tastes better than most protein shakes, in my opinion.

I'm glad to hear that it's not as nasty as I thought. I would probably mix mine with milk as well.
I drink this and love it!!! i actually think it tastes good... i mix mine with vanilla soy milk and add a bit of honey. I dont drink it daily, i take it like 3-4 times a week. I use it more as a general multi vitamin than for hair health.

So count me in.... we can make a 3 month challenge out of it.
My last exam is tomorrow and I can't wait to go home and purchase the UHTS!

Oh and ladies: Is anyone taking Hair vitamins along with the UHTS? Just curious.
Count me in as of this coming weekend (Saturday, May 13).

I should have the product by then. It sounds great and I thank you so much for sharing this with us. I like that it has Inositol and Choline in it. Wonderful vitamins for hair growhtn and health...:)
I'm finally homeeee!

Tomorrow I'll go to Vitamin Shop and purchase it. I'll definitely update immediantly after I taste it.

I have bad news... the nearest vitamin shoppe (which is 20 miles away from me) does not carry UHTS. :( You have no idea how disappointed I am. My face must have dropped when the worker informed me. I'm going to call the other nearby vitamin shoppes or just order online. :ohwell:
Hey guys,

This sounds really great.. something I would definitely want to try. But the list of ingredients doesnt quite give the amt of biotin in mg which I want to know. Also, in the other thread, one woman posted that hairs on her chin started to sprout. I don't want that!!! What do you guys think? Is that with every vitamin?
EbonyPerez said:
Hey guys,

This sounds really great.. something I would definitely want to try. But the list of ingredients doesnt quite give the amt of biotin in mg which I want to know. Also, in the other thread, one woman posted that hairs on her chin started to sprout. I don't want that!!! What do you guys think? Is that with every vitamin?

I believe some people get unwanted hair when taking extra vitamins and such. Ladies on this board have mentioned getting hair on their toes, leg hair growing back quickly or thick, and in this case... facial hair. I think it just depends on how your body reacts or uses the increase in vitamins. If everyone got facial hair I doubt there would still be women taking vitamins and protein shakes and etc!
EbonyPerez said:
Hey guys,

The list of ingredients doesnt quite give the amt of biotin in mg which I want to know.

I posted the full ingredients in an older thread. I got it from the list that came with the shake. Take a look at this link:

Ultra Hair Thick Shake

As far as hair in unwanted places, that has not happened to me at all. I've taken it off and on for a quite a few months now.
I purchased one yesterday. Starting next week. :)

Busy weekend ahead and I want to be able to note in my records hair length before, during and after.
UHTS is very tasty! I tried it last night with milk and this morning OJ and frozen strawberries. Tomorrow I'm going to try it with milk, frozen strawberries and vanilla extract... maybe a lil honey too. This is going to be an easy challenge!

How are you ladies doing? Or are some of you still waiting to recieve your UHTS in the mail?
Kristenxdollface said:
UHTS is very tasty!

Glad you liked it! I read the post wrong at first thinking you wrote "Ultra Hair Thick Shake is very nasty!"....I was like...'Oh my ___! She doesn't like it!' Lol.. I missed the last two nights because I wasn't feeling too well {I like to take it at night so it has time to do it's "thing" in my system}...I thought about adding some canned pineapple but I'm not sure...the strawberries sound's good with the honey and vanilla too.
Oh hell, it IS nasty?! Kristen, please tell us what you mix it with. What about a little sugar? A whole 8oz drink of nastiness?! What does it taste like?
Suri said:
Oh hell, it IS nasty?! Kristen, please tell us what you mix it with. What about a little sugar? A whole 8oz drink of nastiness?! What does it taste like?

Oh no!!! it's DELICIOUS not nasty!

I've tried it with milk, and another day I tried it with orange juice blended with strawberries.
Kristenxdollface said:
Oh no!!! it's DELICIOUS not nasty!

I've tried it with milk, and another day I tried it with orange juice blended with strawberries.

LOL!!!! I am such a space cadet sometimes I was looking at tasty, thinking nasty :lol: , must the the asty endings.whew! Glad to hear that. Well, I'll see you the 17th.