sulu max gro (p.u lol)


New Member
I've started using this today and decided that I would post any results that I get for anybody who was interested in trying it. If anyone has tried it, what results have you gotten? I did some research on the product, looked at ALOT of youtube videos and results pictures and decided to just try it out.

And just incase any goody two shoe sallys *or shaniquas (nappies or laxers) come in here to tell me how bad the product is for me and MY HEALTHY hair...heres my response in advance "yeah, really? for real girl?? thanks for letting me know"
. (had to give a disclaimer)

Anywho, if anyones tried it or interested in trying it you can post a response here. I'll also be doing a youtube comparison video. My first analysis of this "sacred" oil is that it stinks up to high heaven, but if it gives me any results then I can smell like a three day old bacon n spam sammich for a while

I copied and paste what I posted on Nappturality and had to give that disclaimer since some of those ladies are a little on the meanie side. I've already done a search (just incase somebody is itching to type that:lachen:) but I havent seen many result pictures on THIS site.
what is this you speak of? lol. I'd like more information. I havent heard of this before? what is it?
Wow! that little girls hair is very pretty!
I would be scared to use it on my daughters hair, I'm always scared to use a new product on my kids....especially since this stuff stinks so bad, I cant send my daughters to school smelling like a bacon n spam sandwich special :lachen:.