sulfur shampoo and loose scalp?


New Member
Hi ladies,

I have a question about sulfur shampoo. Normally, use CON shampoo, but for the last few weeks, i have been using sufur medicated shampoo on my scalp. Now, before i used teh suflure, my scalp in teh middle would AlWAYS feel real tight, especially when my hair is bunned for a fews days. i have noticed htat in the last few weeks, my scalp has not felt tight at all, even though i am still wearing a bun. it feels the way it feels of wearing my hair down for a few days,.

the only thing that is different is my use if teh sulfur shampoo.

so, i guess my real question is, which is better tight or loose scalp for growth purposes?
There was a thread a while ago about loose vs. tight scalp. I think the ladies voted that loose scalp is good for hair growth. Hopefully some of the ladies can chime in.