Sulfur Overload......Is it Possible?

GoldenBreeze said:
Topical sulfer can be very drying. I've been using MTG since Jan. After the first week, I noticed that my hair was drier than usual so I increased my moisture to 2x daily, and so far I'm not having any breakage. Although I do not take large amounts of MSM, there is some in the UNHair that I take. It might help if you use your moisturizing spritz more frequently. If you're using your topical daily, maybe switching to every other day will help. I would also try clarifying. HTH:)

Thanks GoldenBreeze! It helps immensely. Just confirmation that I had been doing it all wrong.;)
I'm like you Lav. I put the sulphur on first and then moisturized. I guess this short patch of hair in the top of my head is a lesson learned.:cool:
I am glad this thread was created...I truly am; however, questions abound!

(1) So what type of moisturiser would you suggest? Any examples, ladies?

(2) What if we only wash our hair, once a week. We shold now use the topical sulphur, every other day? Or do we need to wash, with more frequency?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I've been using this for about two weeks and I haven't had problems with shedding. I do moisturize prior and I only apply BT in a thin line on my scalp. I use coconut, amla, olive, and castor oils depending on which I feel my hair needs. (My hair loooooooooooves oil) The water based products start off good then I get breakage so I don't use them as much anymore.
miss_a said:
I am glad this thread was created...I truly am; however, questions abound!

(1) So what type of moisturiser would you suggest? Any examples, ladies?

(2) What if we only wash our hair, once a week. We shold now use the topical sulphur, every other day? Or do we need to wash, with more frequency?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I use a Keracare leavin or nexxus humectress as moisturizers for my hair. I only use a little though becuase I wear my hair down alot and I work out everyday and the sweat really dries my hair out and these conditioners are really creamy and they put the moisture back in.
Lavendar said:
Thanks GoldenBreeze! It helps immensely. Just confirmation that I had been doing it all wrong.;)

.....but isn't it good to know that you can do it differently and keep using your BT?:)
miss_a said:
I am glad this thread was created...I truly am; however, questions abound!

(1) So what type of moisturiser would you suggest? Any examples, ladies?

(2) What if we only wash our hair, once a week. We shold now use the topical sulphur, every other day? Or do we need to wash, with more frequency?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I'm certain many ladies are using many different moisturizers but..:

1. I use one that I make up with a mix of MNT moisturizering conditioner, castor oil, jojoba oil, and aloe vera gel. I stir those all together and that's my moisturizer. If I'm putting it on dry hair, I'll wet my hands and run them over my hair before using the moisturizer.

2. Two week out of the month I wash once a week, and the other two weeks I wash 2 - 3 times a week. I use my MTG every other day all the time. So it is alright to use MTG or BT every other day if you only wash once/wk. HTH:)
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I forgot to add S-curl. I use a spritz bottle so it won't come out all gloppy.

:D Let your sooooooooooooooooul gloooooooooooooooow! :D

Sorry. Couldn't resist.
I too have been experiencing this and have been using the topical sulfur for growth as well. I haven't really seen much breakage but increased shedding in the same area mentioned in your post.

Wow, the same thing happened to me to after starting using BT!
I got a SCARY amount of shedding and breakage at the top crown of my head, the hair wouldnt stop falling out!
They had bulbs at the end and everything... long pieces of hair too!
It only started after starting the Sulfur... and now I have about a 3 inch spot in diameter in that area with hairs less than one inch long... I was devastated!

It's funny I purchased a product to grow my hair and it broke my hair... but only in that spot though, every where else seems to be doing ok for some reason.

I HOPE NATURALLADY RESPONDS TO THIS basically ur suppose to moisturize befor using BT????????????????????? WHY uh oh I HAVENT BEEN DOING THYS B.c i didnt no TEAR:confused:
I didnt moisterize before using it either, and I never read it here as a treatment prior to using BT.

Is this common knowledge, does everyone do this??

Did ur hair fall out too Cleo ???
Wow, the same thing happened to me to after starting using BT!
I got a SCARY amount of shedding and breakage at the top crown of my head, the hair wouldnt stop falling out!
They had bulbs at the end and everything... long pieces of hair too!
It only started after starting the Sulfur... and now I have about a 3 inch spot in diameter in that area with hairs less than one inch long... I was devastated!

It's funny I purchased a product to grow my hair and it broke my hair... but only in that spot though, every where else seems to be doing ok for some reason.


Me too! :perplexed
Ok- I use both MTG and BT with no problem. I CW daily, so maybe that is my help. I don't use a lot of BT, I just apply it to my finger and apply it to my scalp. After, I use a dime size of MTG and put that on my hair. I haven't experienced any sulfur OD, just nice growth.
Ok- I use both MTG and BT with no problem. I CW daily, so maybe that is my help. I don't use a lot of BT, I just apply it to my finger and apply it to my scalp. After, I use a dime size of MTG and put that on my hair. I haven't experienced any sulfur OD, just nice growth.

:wave:Hi DDtexlaxd,
I wanna see pictures! :spinning: Pictures! :spinning:
I'm so glad I found this thread - I juss ordered some BT today and was all excited to use it. Now I know I need to moisturize first then BT my scalp.
For all those who got the coarse , crown breakage how are u holding up??

Priestess, ur hair is so nice and thick, but whats that gap in the middle?
do u have a piece of it up?
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