Sulfur 8 Medicated antidandruff conditioner for Braids?


New Member
I know everyone talks about the Sulfur8 grease but has anyone actually used the antidandruff conditioner spray for braids? I sprayed a bit on my actual hair just to see how it was and my new growth is super soft and feels really moisturized. I'm thinking about using this on the regular, maybe to make some kind of moisturizer. It doesnt have sulfur though. Just salicylic acid for dandruff, and then water, glycerine, and hydrolzed collagen , amongst some other stuff.
i have tried this several times when i used to get micro braids i loved that it kept my hair very moist and soft including new growth whilebraided.I also noticed a noticable increase in new growth when using this as compared to oil sprays.Unfortunately i had to many run ins with hair glue and i shaved off all my hair b/4 finding this site and my hair is currently to short in the back to braid but i thought of using it in some sort of mix to see what happens when not braided. good luck to you and if you can come up with a good mix please share.