

Well-Known Member
Do you all have like a "How To " thread for this website (i.e. how to operate the features). Also, is there a history to this website. Like who came up with the idea to get all these women of color together to learn more about how to care for their hair? And, how the word spread. I think this would be interesting. I would like to learn more about the LHCF "sorority" ( LOL, well it really is like a sisterhood of women who get together to discuss hair on site and in person all around the world). Just food for thought.
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That is a great idea (how to for the featured etc.)

The off topic section has the history of LHCF (someone asked the same question).

You can try typing in Long Hair Lovers which is the site where I believe the original memebers started.

lkg4healthyhair said:
That is a great idea (how to for the featured etc.)

The off topic section has the history of LHCF (someone asked the same question).

You can try typing in Long Hair Lovers which is the site where I believe the original members started.


That site you referred me to look like a site for Causcasians or type one and 2 hair.

Additionally, as far as the history of the site, I just thought it would be nice to be able to access the history of the site from the homepage when you first come on the site. Just a thought;)
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