Suggestions for gaining thicker hair

Mommy's girls

New Member
Hi Guys
While reading a thread on henna I noticed that some people gained thickness from using it. After reading everything posted I am sure that I want to use henna on my hair. But then I thought I wuld start a thread asking for suggestions for thickening my hair in the top. My hair is midback length and I always wear it in a bun (past 10 years). I have noticed my hair thining in the top near the front. I think this is due to pulling it back. I dont really know what my hair type is, to be honest I did'nt really think about my hair much until I joined the forum. I would only wash it when it felt dirty :eek: . Now I am A HAIR JUNKIE. I live on this site. I'm really close to needing an intervention! But I digress. My hair is natural, extra fine and curly. Has anyone noticed their hair getting thicker as a result of using henna? Or can you recommend a regimen for thickness.
Many Thanks-- and as soon as I can figure out my new camera I will be posting pictures of mine and my daughters hair. And for those of you who remember, my baby's hair is getting healthier by the day.

Thanks a bunch
A lot of people here live by henna so it's worth a shot.

I've never tried henna, but I live and die by Sulfur8 the lite version on the blue bottle. It has done miracles for me.
Yes Ma'am

Henna will help to thicken your hair!

I saw this after ONE treatment.

The top of my head in the front is thinning - I think from heredity- & was driving me CRAZY! I read the threads here, ordered my henna, applied & WOW! The color, the shine, and the strength of my hair was amazing! Needless to say it is a staple now.

I have also been using MN/CO mix on my scalp for growth/thickness, which works fine for growth, but from what I understand, CO will help after using it a few months, so I'm sticking to that right now.

MsDee4 said:
A lot of people here live by henna so it's worth a shot.

I've never tried henna, but I live and die by Sulfur8 the lite version on the blue bottle. It has done miracles for me.

Wow I remember my grandmother using Sulfur8 in a small yellow jar. Is this the same product? Do you apply it to your scalp and how often do you use it?
AKA-Tude said:
Yes Ma'am

Henna will help to thicken your hair!

I saw this after ONE treatment.

The top of my head in the front is thinning - I think from heredity- & was driving me CRAZY! I read the threads here, ordered my henna, applied & WOW! The color, the shine, and the strength of my hair was amazing! Needless to say it is a staple now.

I have also been using MN/CO mix on my scalp for growth/thickness, which works fine for growth, but from what I understand, CO will help after using it a few months, so I'm sticking to that right now.


Wow this is promising news. I know what Co is but what is MN? Because I want some.
Country gal said:
Castor oil is really great at helping to thicken your hair.

Yep, castor oil is very good. Many ladies, including me, have had very good result.
I would say Castor Oil and MTG. Thats whats working for me! I want to try Henna as well but I haven't done enough of my own personal research....I am sure this year I will eventually add it to my routine:D
Mommy's girls said:
Wow this is promising news. I know what Co is but what is MN? Because I want some.

Miconizole nitrate known as Monistat (yes the yeast infection stuff).

My first use of it was in the form of the 'store brand' Monistat, the second was Monistat 3 (it has 4% MN).

Now I found a pharmacy person on Ebay that sells str8 MN (2%) in bulk.

So I make a mix that incl. -
MN +JBCO+ herb extracts+ cinnamon powder+ cayenne pepper powder.

Mommy's girls said:
Hi Guys
While reading a thread on henna I noticed that some people gained thickness from using it. After reading everything posted I am sure that I want to use henna on my hair. But then I thought I wuld start a thread asking for suggestions for thickening my hair in the top. My hair is midback length and I always wear it in a bun (past 10 years). I have noticed my hair thining in the top near the front. I think this is due to pulling it back. I dont really know what my hair type is, to be honest I did'nt really think about my hair much until I joined the forum. I would only wash it when it felt dirty :eek: . Now I am A HAIR JUNKIE. I live on this site. I'm really close to needing an intervention! But I digress. My hair is natural, extra fine and curly. Has anyone noticed their hair getting thicker as a result of using henna? Or can you recommend a regimen for thickness.
Many Thanks-- and as soon as I can figure out my new camera I will be posting pictures of mine and my daughters hair. And for those of you who remember, my baby's hair is getting healthier by the day.

Thanks a bunch
I would suggest wearing different styles that take the stress off the top of your hair. Instead of pulled back into a bun, where a different natural hair style.

And I don't think any product will really make your hair thicker. The density of your hair is set genetically. Avoid using everything under the sun just to get thicker hair. Maybe certain vitamins may thicken up your hair (like a B-Complex), but something applied externally to the scalp really won't do anything.

Hope that helps! By the way, WELCOME TO THE FORUM! :wave:
How many different kinds of henna are there???? I keep hearing about soooo many different kinds and it getting extremely confusing

I want the 100% pure henna (nothing added) with color-black.

Also what is indigo..and which are the best ingredients to mix with henna to get thicker hair?

Are you guys just making up your own mixes…how do you know what to mix with it?

..Anyone who is knowledge on henna pls respond, thanks!

I desperately want to try it ASAP!
Horsetail caplets or Horsetail tea helps thicken the type of hair you have it won't make someone with med thickness hair suddendly super thick but it will give you mad thickness for what you've got.
Poohbear said:
I would suggest wearing different styles that take the stress off the top of your hair. Instead of pulled back into a bun, where a different natural hair style.

And I don't think any product will really make your hair thicker. The density of your hair is set genetically. Avoid using everything under the sun just to get thicker hair. Maybe certain vitamins may thicken up your hair (like a B-Complex), but something applied externally to the scalp really won't do anything.

Hope that helps! By the way, WELCOME TO THE FORUM! :wave:

This is true Poohbear RE: Thicker hair. Thickeners merely coat or bathe the hair strands temporarily and either fade or are washed off.

I have the same problem with the top of my head. I have tried switching up parts, but the top of my hair is so fine there is little I can do except perhaps a henna and I just can't seem to find the time (or money) to order the henna and have it applied.
Cassia (neutral henna) had greatly thickened my hair. It does work as well when I don't use heat, though.

I leave in on for 1 hour or so with 20 min of that under the dryer. I works great.

I know many are against the store brands of henna, but I don't have time for the henna mess so I do you store brands of neutral henna mixed with cassia.

I mix 2 oz of 100% cassia and 1 oz of Neutral Light mountain henna with some alma oil and 1 cup of plain yogurt.

My hair had never been so shiny, thick and strong.